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University of Lille library vocabulary

There may be academic library terms specific to France or to the University of Lille that you do not know. A selection of these terms is presented here in French and in English, to help you find your way around the libraries and understand our services. Have a look - that way, you'll know that the space you want to reserve for group work is not called a cartel or a bubble or a chambre, but actually a salle de travail... and that there is no need to pay for books that come from the magasin 

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<link internal-link internal link in current>Version française de cette page de vocabulaire des bibliothèques 

<link https: external-link-new-window internal link in current>Affluences is the application/website used to book work spaces in the BU Santé, BU Droit-Gestion and Lilliad. It also gives real-time occupancy estimates for these libraries. 

The self checkout machines (automates de prêt), allow you to check out and return books yourself. You will find self checkout machines in all of the main libraries (BU Santé, BU Droit-Gestion, BU SHS, and Lilliad). 

To use them, place your student card on the card reader, click on "Emprunter" on the touch screen, and then place your documents one by one on the surface below the screen. Don't hesitate to ask for help at the front desk (accueil) if you have any problems. 

The circulation desk (banque de prêt) is the desk where you can check out and return materials, and pick up materials requested from the reserve (magasin) or inter-library loan (prêt entre bibliothèques, or PEB). Some libraries have a separate circulation desk; others have a single front desk (accueil) where you can ask all your questions, and also pick up and check out materials. 

At Lilliad, subject librarians (bibliothécaires de liaison) are in charge of a particular discipline (biology, maths...) - you can contact them for individualised help. On <link https: external-link-new-window internal link in current>Lilliad's website [in French], click on "Disciplines" at the top to find your subject librarian. 

An associated library (bibliothèque associée, may also be called a bibliothèque de composante, bibliothèque d'UFR...) is generally connected to an academic department or research centre. Each associated library is specialised in a particular topic. Some are open to all University of Lille students; others are limited to Masters or Doctoral students, or members of a particular laboratory. 

The associated libraries are spread out around the campuses.

  • <link https: bibliotheques reseau external-link-new-window internal link in current>Associated libraries on the Pont de Bois campus (humanties and social sciences)
  • <link http: vos-bibliotheques les-autres-bucentres-de-doc external-link-new-window internal link in current>Associated libraries on the Moulins-Ronchin et Santé campuses (law, management, sports, and medical sciences)
  • <link https: bibliotheques-associees external-link-new-window internal link in current>Associated libraries on the Cité Scientifique campus (sciences, maths, engineering)

Located on the Pont de Bois campus, the <link https: bibliotheques reseau defi external-link-new-window internal link in current>DEFI library (bibliothèque du DEFI, the associated library of the Department of teaching French as a foreign language) has many resources for international students: books on French as a foreign language (français langue étrangère, or FLE) and French culture, literature, comic books, easy-to-read books in French...

BU is the very commonly used abbreviation for bibliothèque universitaire, or university library/academic library. 

The <link http: external-link-new-window internal link in current>BU Droit-Gestion, or law and management library, is one of the main university libraries, located on the Moulins-Ronchin campus. 

Disciplines: Law, economics, management, political science, social sciences...

The <link http: external-link-new-window internal link in current>BU Santé or medical sciences library, is one of the main university libraries, located on the Santé campus in Loos, within the medical school. 

Disciplines: Medecine, pharmacy...

The <link https: bibliotheques external-link-new-window internal link in current>BU SHS, or humanities and social sciences library, is one of the main university libraries, located on the Pont de Bois campus. 

Disciplines: languages, literature, education, communication, information science, sociology, psychology, philosophy, arts, music, history...

See "Salle de travail / Study room". (Carrel is the term often used in the BU Droit-Gestion for a study room.)

In a other libraries, you may have used a catalogue to search for books. <link https: discovery external-link-new-window internal link in current>Lillocat, our library search engine, has different kinds of resources, including scholarly articles and other online resources. It is your gateway to most library resources at the University of Lille.

Your library account (or "Library Card", as it is called on <link https: discovery external-link-new-window internal link in current>Lillocat) is the space on Lillocat where you can see what you have checked out, renew materials, manage your requests for documents... You log in with your university email address and password.

Only in the BU Santé (medical sciences library), you can use a paper time disc (horodateur) to keep your spot if you leave to take a break.  You pick it up at the front desk (accueil). 

Impression SCD is the library printing application. You will find it in your <link https: external-link-new-window internal link in current>ENT, and you must use it if you want to print in the libraries. 

With this application, you can send print jobs from any computer.  You then have 48 hours to go to the library of your choice to pay and get your document printed. <link internal-link internal link in current>For more information about printing, return to the main page of this guide and click on "How do I print?"

Books and other documents in the open stacks (libre accès) are those that you see on the shelves in the libraries.

Don't forget that the library has many other materials in the closed-stack reserves (magasin) and online (ressources numériques), accessible with <link https: discovery external-link-new-window internal link in current>Lillocat!

<link https: external-link-new-window internal link in current>Lilliad is the learning centre on the Cité Scientifique campus in Villeneuve d'Ascq. There you will find a library with many different spaces for studying and relaxing, as well as an event space and a space for promoting research, called Xperium. 

Disciplines: Biology, chemistry, geography, mathematics, physics, earth sciences, engineering sciences, management, economics...

<link https: discovery external-link-new-window internal link in current>Lillocat is the name of the library search engine for most of the resources of the University of Lille libraries. With it, you can search the physical collections (books...) and digital collections (articles, ebooks...) of all of the university libraries. 

With Lillocat, you have the option of logging in with your university email address and password. Once you are connected, you can access the online resources. You can also request documents from the closed-stack reserves (magasin), reserve documents that are already checked out by another user, and check your library account (compte lecteur) to view and manage your loans and document requests. 

The reserve (magasin), in each university library, is an on-site, closed-stack storage area for physical documents (books, theses, journals...) that are used infrequently. You can request them via <link https: discovery external-link-new-window internal link in current>Lillocat. 

When you find a document in Lillocat that you would like to consult, take a good look at the location of the document in the section entitled "Get it" or "Où trouver ce document ?"  If you see the word "magasin", you will not be able to go get this book yourself. Click on "Request" or "Demander" and follow the instructions. Don't hesitate to ask a member of library staff if you are having problems finding a document. 

A library search engine (moteur de recherche documentaire) is the tool used to search for most physical and digital materials held by the library (books, articles, theses...).  It has more kinds of resources than the catalogues of books and other printed materials that you may have used in other libraries.  At the University of Lille libraries, it is called <link https: discovery external-link-new-window internal link in current>Lillocat. 

If you need a document (book, article, thesis...) that is not held by the University of Lille libraries, you can have it sent here with the Interlibrary loan service (Prêt entre bibliothèques, or PEB). Get more information about it at the front desk (accueil) of your library. 

In French, reprographie refers to any technique used to make a copy of a document: photocopies, scans... In some libraries, you'll find Salles de reprographie (copy rooms): these are rooms where you can make photocopies, scan documents, and print. 

Digital resources are available online, 24/7. They can be of two types: 

  • accessible with your university email address and password, OR
  • in open access on websites that are available to all. 

You can search for these resources with <link https: discovery external-link-new-window internal link in current>Lillocat. 

The libraries offer study rooms (salles de travail) for individual or group work. At the BU Droit-Gestion, BU Santé, and Lilliad, these rooms can be booked with the application <link https: external-link-new-window internal link in current>Affluences. (In the BU Droit-Gestion, the study rooms are often called "carrels".)

SCD is the abbreviation for Service Commun de la Documentation, and refers to the library system made up of the 4 university libraries (BU Santé, BU Droit-Gestion, BU SHS, Lilliad), as well as the 32 associated libraries. 

The <link http: xslt db="2.1/LNG=EN/" external-link-new-window internal link in current>SUDOC is the union catalogue of French university libraries. With it, you can search in all of the catalogues of all of the French university libraries at the same time - useful for finding documents to have send through the Interlibrary loan service (Prêt entre bibliothèques, or PEB).