A multidisciplinary and open cultural policy

Cultural venues at the heart of our campuses

Cultural space - Cité scientifique campus, Villeneuve d’Ascq

  • an auditorium (160 seats)
  • two exhibition galleries (110 m² and 40 m²) and a coffee culture
  • an open stage (27 m²)
  • two rehearsal booths (70 m² each)
  • a patio (512 m²)

Centre de Lille (Lille Centre) (at the university headquarters)

  • a performance hall, l’Antre-2 (85 seats or 120 standing)

Pont-de-Bois Campus, Villeneuve d’Ascq

  • a performance hall, the Kino (356 seats)
  • a theatre, the Théâtre des Passerelles (93 seats)
  • an exhibition gallery, les 3 Lacs (65 m²)





practical art workshops

18 000

spectators, half of whom are students