Developing your plans

As part of the licence and master’s programmes, you’ll have the opportunity to enrich your course of study with a special class. Firstly, it will help you to integrate better, and secondly, it will enable you to acquire useful skills for your personal development and career plans, in a wide variety of fields.

The ‘Student Plans’ teaching unit

The ‘Student Plans’ teaching unit (UE PE) is offered as part of most licence and master’s programmes. It helps you to develop your personal development and career plans through a choice of classes*. This teaching unit enables you to acquire ‘cross-disciplinary’ skills, i.e. skills that are required whatever your career path, based on your plans.

Developing interpersonal skills

The world of work is increasingly fluid. In the course of your future professional career, you’re likely to be involved in a number of different roles. To better prepare yourself, it’s important to acquire ‘interdisciplinary’ skills that are not specific to your full-time course of study. This teaching unit gives you the opportunity to learn, for example, how to work independently, techniques of written expression and communication, teamwork, self-confidence, oral fluency, critical thinking, etc., but also to explore other disciplines. These ‘behavioural’ skills will also help you to integrate and succeed in your studies.

How I boosted my critical thinking

‘The Introduction to Critical Thinking class (UE PE IEC) was packed with knowledge and information, but the concepts were presented clearly, in a well-illustrated manner and with a sense of humour. Now I’ll know how to better question the data, facts, documents and information presented to me. This class is a real bonus, whatever your course of study.’

Marie-Christine, student in education and training sciences

L3 careers in adult education