The President and presidential team

Assisted by the Management Committee, the President is responsible for the University of Lille’s strategy and the general running of the institution. He is its legal representative and promotes its values in France and abroad.

The presidential team

Four statutoryVice-Presidents assist the President of the University with the implementation of the institution’s policy. He may also appoint deputy Vice-Presidents and official representatives for specific issues. Together they form the presidential team, which is comprised of balanced numbers of men and women (no less than 40% of either gender).

President of the University of Lille

Régis Bordet

President’s duties The President is responsible for the management of the institution

The President is responsible for the management of the institution. As such:

  1. Assisted by the Management Committee, he prepares and implements the decisions of the Governing Council;
  2. He chairs the Management Committee, the Scientific Council and the Study and University Life Council;
  3. He represents the institution in dealings with third parties and in legal matters;
  4. He negotiates the institutional contract;
  5. He prepares and implements the budget;
  6. Within the framework of the guidelines laid down by the Governing Council, he discusses management with each of the member schools, faculties and institutes and member institutions, resulting in a multi-year contract of objectives and resources, which is implemented on an annual basis;
  7. He submits an annual activity report to the Governing Council;
  8. He is the principal authorising officer for the institution’s income and expenditure;
  9. He concludes the institution’s agreements and conventions;
  10. He appoints the juries responsible for making decisions on doctorate and HDR theses;
  11. He has authority over staff and is responsible for their posting within the institution;
  12. On the recommendation of the Governing Board (convened to include only elected representatives), he sets up a ‘gender equality’ mission. Each year, he presents a report on the implementation of the multi-year action plan for gender equality to the Governing Board (convened to include only elected representatives). After approval by the Governing Board (convened to include only elected representatives), this report is forwarded to the ministers responsible for higher education and research, and to the Haut Conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur (High Council for the Assessment of Research and Higher Education);
  13. Each year, he presents a report to the Governing Board (convened to include only elected representatives) on the professional situation of those to whom the university has awarded the diplôme national de doctorat (national doctorate degree qualification) over the previous five years. After approval by the Governing Board (convened to include only elected representatives), this report is forwarded to the ministers responsible for higher education and research, and to the Haut Conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur (High Council for the Assessment of Research and Higher Education);
  14. He is responsible for maintaining order within the institution and may call in the police under the conditions set out in articles R.712-1 to R.712-8 of the French Education Code;
  15. He is responsible for safety on institution premises, and ensures that the recommendations of the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee, or equivalent body, are followed up to ensure the safety of staff and students on the premises;
  16. He ensures that teaching and buildings are accessible to students and staff with disabilities;
  17. He allocates the premises;
  18. He exercises management and administrative powers that are not assigned to another authority by law or regulation.

The Vice-Presidents

Christel Beaucourt
Vice-President Organisational Processes, Simplification and Indicators

Jean-François Bodart
Vice-President Innovation in Teaching

Pierre Boulet
Vice President Digital

Sandrine Chassagnard-Pinet
Vice-President Humanities and Social Sciences Research

Olivier Colot
Vice-President Research

Ghislain Cornillon
Vice-President Regional Partnerships and Communications

Stéphanie Damarey
Vice-President Finance and Legal Affairs

Bertrand Décaudin
First Vice-President

Esther Dehoux
Vice-President Undergraduate

Virginie Delsart
Vice-President Vocational Studies and Integration

Franck Dumeignil
Vice-President Promotion and Science-Society Links

Jamal El-Khattabi
Vice-President Social Action and Working Conditions

Isabelle Fournier
Vice-President Doctoral Affairs

Didier Gosset
International Outlook Advisor, University Ambassador

Youcef Hadji
Student Vice-President

Emmanuelle Jourdan-Chartier
Vice-President Student and Campus Life

Xavier Lecocq
Strategic Foresight Advisor

Lionel Montagne
Vice-President I-Site and Key Development Projects

Nil Özçaǧlar-Toulouse
Vice-President International Affairs and Europe

Corinne Robaczewski
Vice-President Academic Programmes

Jean-Philippe Tricoit
Vice-President Human Resources

For any request for an appeal or explanation following a refusal of admission to university
