Students in exile, learn about the different options open to you: French as a foreign language courses, refresher courses, access to courses at the University of Lille.
A signatory of the charter of the migrants dans l'enseignement supérieur (migrants in higher education) network (MEnS), the University of Lille is committed to a proactive policy of welcoming students in exile (i.e. students whose presence in France is based on an application for international protection: refugees, those under subsidiary or temporary protection, or asylum seekers), based on academic criteria.
Learn or perfect your French
With bridging courses, so that you can resume your studies.
DU Passerelle (Gateway University Diploma)
The DU Passerelle (Gateway University Diploma) offers 150 students in exile the chance to take French as a Foreign Language (FLE) classes every semester.
Target group
- Individual in possession of a receipt for an asylum application in France;
- Beneficiary of international protection (refugee status, subsidiary protection) or temporary protection (refugee status, subsidiary protection, temporary protection) in France.
Course content
- Intensive French courses supplemented by sessions at media libraries and the Language Resource Centre;
- Expression and Communication Techniques courses
- English courses from level B1 in French
- Preparing students to return to university: workshops and meetings with guidance services (SUAIO, BAIP); immersion in a member school, faculty or institute, preparing applications
- Support with university life, outings and cultural, sporting, association and civic activities
- Next application period: from 13 May to 19 June 2024 for the first semester of 2024-2025
- Candidates will be notified of the decision made by the Students in Exile Committee before 26 July 2024
- Courses for the first semester of 2024-2025 will be held from the end of September 2024 to the end of January 2025
Grants and accommodation
This DU entitles students benefiting from international or temporary protection to a grant based on social criteria or a specific annual allowance if the criteria set by the CROUS are met. Those in receipt of a grant can apply to CROUS for student accommodation. The CROUS welfare officers are your first point of contact in this matter. The university cannot guarantee accommodation or financial aid. Housing and asylum applications will not be handled by the university. To check whether you are eligible for a CROUS grant and accommodation, please visit the following website:
How to apply
Places are limited to 150 students in exile per semester, based on academic criteria:
- Minimum baccalauréat level or equivalent
- Desire to pursue university studies
- No minimum level of French required
Supporting documents:
- CV, cover letter and/or answers to the questions in the application
- Proof of language proficiency level (optional)
- Proof of degree course: copy of diplomas, sworn translation or ENIC NARIC certificate. In the absence of copies of diplomas: affidavit. Transcripts if available.
- Document attesting to an explicit application for international protection in France (récépissé, residence permit).
Applications are accepted twice a year. The application can be found hereand is to be completed and submitted together with all documents to:
- Université de Lille - Direction Développement durable et responsabilité sociale (DD&RS) − Domaine Universitaire du Pont de Bois –1er étage Bâtiment du CROUS - Bureau R3-330 - 59653 Villeneuve d’Ascq
- Or by e-mail: etudiants-en-exiluniv-lillefr.
CU Passerelle (Gateway University Certificate)
One semester in duration, the Gateway University Certificate (CU Passerelle) prepares students for starting a university course (the following September) by helping them to: improve their French, perfect their English, brush up on certain subjects, think carefully about their choice of course and prepare their university application. Courses run in partnership with the Department of Applied Foreign Languages (LEA) and some DAEU modules.
Enrolment fees are waived for these courses for students under international protection or in exile.
Target group
- Those with refugee status or under temporary or subsidiary protection;
- Asylum seekers.
- Course only open in semester 2.
- Applications are closed for 2023-2024.
Course content
- French for university purposes;
- French for specific purposes;
- English;
- PIX (digital tools);
- Elective modules: management, law, mathematics, physics, etc;
- Choosing a course.
How to apply
Places are limited to 30 students, so an application is required. Study directors select candidates on the basis of academic criteria:
- Minimum baccalauréat level or equivalent;
- Desire to pursue university studies;
- Minimum B1 level of French.
Resuming your studies at the University of Lille
Special application
Since 2018, the University of Lille has set up a special application form to enable students in exile to apply for its courses.
Target group
- Beneficiaries of temporary or subsidiary protection;
- Those with refugee status;
- Those in possession of an asylum application receipt
- Application to be submitted before 17 May 2024.
- Committee response at latest by 5 July 2024.
How to apply
Applicants must be currently working towards a minimum B2 level of French B2 at the time they submit their application (course directors may accept applications on the condition that the candidate has a minimum B2 level of French at the start of the academic year).
To apply:
- Complete the special application form here.
- Or collect it from the following location from 4 March: office R3.341 - Pont-de-Bois campus - CROUS building - 1st floor.
University Studies Access Diploma (diplôme d’accès aux études universitaires; DAEU) ‘Exile’
The University Studies Access Diploma (diplôme d’accès aux études universitaires; DAEU) offers around twenty places on fee-free refresher courses for people in exile, whether or not they have a baccalauréat. It is implemented by the university’s vocational studies department.
Course content
Depending on the student’s desire to continue his or her studies and the entrance tests, refresher modules can be offered in:
- French, mathematics and another language (compulsory subjects).
Then optional subjects:
- mathematics, physics, chemistry;
- economics, law, management;
- history, geopolitics, etc.
How to apply
Send an e-mail to etudiants-en-exiluniv-lillefr specifying ‘DAEU’ in the subject line.
Students in exile who are enrolled in a degree course may be able to benefit from an adjustments to conditions of study contract, in agreement with your course director.
- See the application form for requesting adjustments to conditions of study for students in exile (pdf format, 160 Kb), and send your application by e-mail to etudiant-en-exiluniv-lillefr
- Find out more about adjustments to conditions of study at the University of Lille.
Hamza Marqua talks about his arrival at the University of Lille and his studies
Lina, 24 years old
Coming from Sudan, I was lucky enough to learn the language by taking FLE courses at the university and to benefit from support during my return to study. Today, I’m a student on the Health Care Business and Clinical Research Masters programme, to which I was accepted on the basis of an exceptional application.
Support and partners
The system for welcoming students in exile is made possible by the support of several organisations and institutions:
The Alliances network supports the university in the creation of an ‘Employment Squad’. Launched in mid-October in partnership with the Lille European Metropolitan Region, what makes the squad special is that it is aimed at exiled students looking for an end-of-year internship to validate their studies. Fabio Cioni, who is responsible for Social Responsibility at the university, gave an interview toAlliances.
Useful links
Resource associations to turn to for legal matters, or social associations to turn to for French language workshops:
In Lille:
- Pangéa
- Collectif Galois
- Secours Populaire Français
- La Cimade
- Association BANTA
- Union des étudiants exilés - UEE
Reception desk: Information, guidance for students in exile
Open Tuesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
University of Lille, Pont de Bois campus
Crous building, 1st floor - Rue du Barreau - 59653 Villeneuve d’Ascq
Or make an appointment by e-mail: etudiants-en-exiluniv-lillefr