Press area

Journalists: here you’ll find university press releases, photos of our campuses and other resources.

Press contacts

Inès Mortimer (Zouaidi) Press Relations Officer
Élodie Legrand Scientific Press Relations Officer

A global e-mail address

Photos, logo and key studies figures

Photo gallery The University of Lille provides photos of its campuses

Please do not hesitate to contact the press relations department for other photo requests.
Credit: University of Lille

Logo, graphic charter Download from the Identité website
Illustration photo (students’ faces in a lecture hall)
Study: key figures Statistics and surveys from the Studies Department Observatory

On the Odif website, you’ll find statistical benchmarks, surveys on student life at the University of Lille, etc.


Our experts speak to the general public
on The Conversation

The University of Lille is a partner of The Conversation France,an online medium where academics can speak to the general public, with the help of journalists. In this way, they can lend their expertise to the conversations taking place in society.Find below the three most recent articles from our university community.

  • ¿Cuántas especies hay en el planeta? La respuesta no es tan sencilla - (le 17/01/2025)

    Saber cuántas especies hay en nuestro planeta parece crucial para medir la diversidad de los seres vivos y la pérdida de biodiversidad. Pero la cuestión es compleja.

    • Maxime Pauwels, Enseignant-chercheur en écologie et évolution, Université de Lille
  • Quand Valéry Giscard d’Estaing fustigeait déjà, en 1976, les « inégalités écologiques » - (le 14/01/2025)

    Contre toute attente, c’est l’ex-président de droite qui martela ce thème dans plusieurs discours pendant son mandat. Avant que ces belles paroles ne tombent dans l’oubli.

    • Grégory Salle, Directeur de recherche CNRS, affecté au Centre lillois d'études et de recherches sociologiques et économiques (Clersé), Université de Lille
  • How midlife became a crisis - (le 09/01/2025)

    The shifts associated with being in your 40s and 50s – gray hairs, career doldrums, a longing for something more – seem as inevitable as aging itself. It wasn’t always this way.

    • Matthew Redmond, Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, Université de Lille

Inspirons demain
The university magazine is published twice a year.