Are you likely to need financial or material support during your course? The university will be there to support you.
The success of your studies depends on satisfactory living conditions. The University of Lille has developed a number of schemes to provide you with personalised support. In the event of financial difficulties, you can reach out to the university services or Crous for help depending on your situation and needs.
The university can help you to:
secure a grant or financial support
The various forms of financial support and grants can be combined
More information on all the financial support available
The Student Solidarity and Initiative Development Fund - Social Support (FSDIE) This fund can provide you with one or more forms of financial support during the year, give you access to an on-campus solidarity grocery store, help you do your food shopping or top up your Izly card for meals at the university restaurants, help you pay off rent debt in a Crous residence, or lend you a laptop free of charge and provide you with connection support for the academic year.
Students can find information on grants and financial suport on the intranet.
Grants based on social criteria
To apply for a higher education grant and accommodation in a university residence, you must complete a dossier social étudiant (student social application; DSE) each year.
Please note: this application must be made online on the Crous de Lille website before 31 May 2024 (even before receiving your exam results).
Additional financial support such as specific support (annual or one-off), merit-based support or support to help cover the costs of transport may be awarded to the most disadvantaged students.
Find out more about these forms of support on the CROUS website
Seeking exemption from your enrolment fees
depending on your social situation
Exemption may be requested in cases of financial hardship.
Filling your shopping basket and paying for your meals
Meals, solidarity grocery store and financial support to ensure that you are well fed.
All food-related support schemes
CROUS catering support:
- 100 free meals in resto’U per academic year and per person are offered to students in receipt of a grant (subject to conditions)
- €1 meals which can continue throughout the rest of the academic year (subject to assessment of your personal situation).
More information on the CROUS website
On-campus solidarity grocery stores
To combat food insecurity among students.
More information on solidarity grocery stores and food-related support
Financial support from the university to top up your Izly card
This card allows you to pay for meals in the university restaurants.
E-cards for food emergencies
The university can issue e-cards for buying food and hygiene products.
Looking after your physical and mental health
A priority for a positive study experience.
Finding accommodation and paying your rental deposit
Accommodation to rent, deposits, insurance, etc.
Kit yourself out with IT equipment
Free loan of a laptop and provision of an Internet connection package.
Find out more about our digital support services
The ‘free computer loan’ scheme
This scheme gives a helping hand to students who might find it difficult to finance a computer, which is essential for their studies.
This loan is entirely free of charge.
All students, subject to means and availability, can apply for a laptop to use until the end of the academic year.
The ‘connection aid’ project
This project was set up to provide one-off assistance to students who are having difficulty financing an internet connection.
Students can find information on digital support in their digital workspace (ENT)
Finding a student job
To prepare for the world of work, or simply to make ends meet.
Finding a place in a crèche
if you are a young parent who is studying with us
The University of Lille is one of the few universities in France to have crèches and nurseries on its campuses, to make life easier for young parents who are studying with us.
Support for students in exile
The University of Lille is committed to helping students in exile with various programmes to help them learn French, resume their studies and take part in cultural and sports activities.
Find out more about courses that are open to students in exile