Habilitation à diriger des recherches (qualification for supervising PhD theses)


Every year, numerous teaching research staff from the university and other institutions defend their habilitation at our institution.

Presentation, aims

The habilitation to direct research allows you to supervise theses and act as an external examiner, and to join the ranks of university professors.

It ‘”recognises the high level of scientific achievement, the originality of his or her approach within a scientific field, his or her ability to master a research strategy in a sufficiently broad scientific or technological field, and his or her capacity to supervise young researchers’.

Extract from the decree of 23 November 1988, amended by the decree of 27 October 2020, article 1

How do I enrol for the HDR?

The candidate submits his or her application for enrolment for the HDR, which is to be defended during the current academic year. Important: the planned date of presentation (defence) may not be scheduled within 2 months of approval by the Scientific Council (see calendar).

Proposing a research director (guarantor) from within the scope of the Excellence Initiative or a member of the European Economic Area. For applicants from outside the scope of the Excellence Initiative, the guarantor must be a staff member within the scope of the Excellence Initiative.

Candidates must present a portfolio that demonstrates their ability to carry out independent and original research in relation to their thesis work, and that respects the criteria of the doctoral schools.

Two months before the date of the Scientific Council meeting (see calendar):

The complete application is forwarded to the candidate’s doctoral school (or guarantor if the candidate is from outside the University of Lille) for examination.

File composition (decree of 23 November 1988, amended by the decree of 27 October 2020):
  • One or more published or typed works and/or a dissertation, or a portfolio of work accompanied by a summary of scientific activities
  • Information sheet
  • Reasoned opinion of the guarantor
  • List of scientific output
  • Detailed CV
  • Jury proposal
No more than ten days before the date of the Scientific Council meeting:

The doctoral school returns the file, accompanied by a detailed opinion, to the Doctoral Studies Office.

Approval by the Scientific Council:

At the Scientific Council meeting, the files and opinions are presented by the doctoral schools. The Council then authorises (or does not authorise) enrolment for the HDR. In the event that authorisation is not granted, it issues a reasoned opinion to the applicant. Candidates are informed by the Doctoral Studies Office.

After the Scientific Council meeting:

If the Scientific Council approves the application, the candidate enrols at the university, pays the enrolment fee and undertakes to defend their HDR during the academic year of enrolment.

HDR presentation (defence):

Applications must be submitted at least two months before the presentation date, in accordance with the University of Lille procedure described in the guide, which is available to download (pdf, 1.9 MB).

Next dates:

  • 4 June 2024, 1:30 p.m.
  • 12 July 2024, 2 p.m.
  • 10 September 2024, 1:30 p.m.
  • 10 October 2024, 2 p.m.
  • 7 November 2024, 9 a.m.
  • 5 December 2024, 9 a.m.