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Police "Luciole" (pour malvoyants)
Vous êtes
Students / Parents
Companies / Partners
(accueil de la rubrique)
Find your course
Find your course
(accueil de la rubrique)
(accueil de la rubrique)
Enrolment fees
Exemption from enrolment fees
Toolbox - Studies
Information and guidance
Information and guidance
(accueil de la rubrique)
From secondary school to university
Meet us: highlights
Changing to a different course of study
Support throughout your studies
Preparing to enter the job market
Preparing to enter the job market
(accueil de la rubrique)
Support in finding an internship or a job
Internship and job search highlights
Choosing a work-study programme
Lifelong learning
Coming to study from abroad
Adapting and customising your studies
Adapting and customising your studies
(accueil de la rubrique)
Adjustments to conditions of study for students with special needs
Adjustment to conditions of study for success on undergraduate programmes
Developing your personal development and career plans
Courses open to students in exile
Going abroad
(accueil de la rubrique)
Learn about our research policy
Learn about our research policy
(accueil de la rubrique)
Open science
Bringing science and society together
Bringing science and society together
(accueil de la rubrique)
Bringing science and society together
Relying on research to innovate
Ethics and scientific integrity
Identifying a research structure
Identifying a research structure
(accueil de la rubrique)
Research units
Platforms and major facilities
Shared research structures
Learn about our projects
Learn about our projects
(accueil de la rubrique)
Horizon Europe projects
Interreg projects
Studying for a doctorate or HDR (qualification for supervising PhD theses)
Studying for a doctorate or HDR (qualification for supervising PhD theses)
(accueil de la rubrique)
Habilitation à diriger des recherches (qualification for supervising PhD theses)
Companies, partners
Companies, partners
(accueil de la rubrique)
Collaborating and innovating with the university
Collaborating and innovating with the university
(accueil de la rubrique)
Learn more about our start-ups and innovations
Benefitting from cutting-edge expertise and equipment
Innovating by collaborating with us
Innovation in vocational studies
Recruiting relevant profiles
Developing your potentialthrough study
Becoming a customer/supplier
Supporting the university
Supporting the university
(accueil de la rubrique)
Lille University Foundation
Apprenticeship tax
Campus life
Campus life
(accueil de la rubrique)
Living and thriving on campus
Living and thriving on campus
(accueil de la rubrique)
Libraries and Learning Center
Campus activities and association life
Organising the practical side of life
Organising the practical side of life
(accueil de la rubrique)
Getting to university
Taking care of your health
Taking care of your health
(accueil de la rubrique)
Student health
Education and disability
Benefit from assistance and resources
Benefit from assistance and resources
(accueil de la rubrique)
Grants, financial and material support
(accueil de la rubrique)
Building a new institution
Learn about the projects that are key to our development
Understanding our organisation
Understanding our organisation
(accueil de la rubrique)
The President and presidential team
Management Committee and central councils
Understanding the commitments that guide us
Understanding the commitments that guide us
(accueil de la rubrique)
Preserving the environment
Guaranteeing equality and diversity
Making solidarity our priority
Taking action with our foundation
Join us
Join us
(accueil de la rubrique)
Jobs at the university
Our faculties
Faculties and institutes
The University of Lille
The aim of the new experimental public institution, created in January 2022, is to become a university of excellence and inclusiveness, and to position itself as a major player in the ongoing revitalisation of its region.
a new institution
Learn about the projects
that are key to our development
our organisation
Sous menu Understanding our organisation
The President and presidential team
Management Committee and central councils
Understanding the commitments
that guide us
Sous menu Understanding the commitments that guide us
Preserving the environment
Guaranteeing equality and diversity
Making solidarity our priority
Taking action with our foundation
Join us
Sous menu Join us
Jobs at the university
Building a new institution
Created on 1 January 2022, the new ‘Université de Lille’ brings together renowned faculties and schools.
Understanding our organisation
Democratic functioning and internal organisation
Learn about the projects that are key to our development
Tracking our transformation
Learn about our commitments
Giving everyone equal opportunities, working together to combat climate change
Rechercher sur les sites de l'université
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Working with us