Invest in the recruitment of your future talent by supporting the University of Lille!
The University of Lille’s chosen theme for 2024 is Transitions to Inspire Tomorrow. It is working with local stakeholders and has put in place:
- research and innovation projects to develop practical solutions to the challenges of Transitions
- courses and educational programmes integrating the challenges of Transitions
- events and conferences to raise awareness among the public and encourage them to take action
- a strong commitment to sustainable development
By choosing the University of Lille for your apprenticeship tax, you are making a supportive, responsible choice for the future of our region.
Get involved in innovative and engaging projects by supporting the University of Lille!
2024 apprenticeship tax - how does it work?
Since 2023, the procedures for paying the apprenticeship tax have changed. From now on, payment of the ‘ apprenticeship tax balance’ will be made to Urssaf and the selection of beneficiary establishments will be made on the Soltea platform of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (Deposits and Consignments Fund).
To make this transition easier, the University of Lille has set up a special service to help you through the process: a dedicated telephone line: +33 (0)6 31 77 43 04 and video information sessions .
- 5 or 15 May 2024 : payment of the ‘apprenticeship tax balance ’ directly to URSSAF, based on your DNS for April 2024.
- From 27 May : select the University of Lille by specifying the member school(s) / faculty/faculties / institute(s) on the Soltea platform
The University of Lille can help you with this process
A dedicated telephone line: + 33 (0)6 31 77 43 04
Ulink Management
Phone: +33 (0)3 62 26 91 40
Email: ulinkuniv-lillefr