Developing your potential through study

The university offers courses specifically designed for employees and jobseekers. Our aim is to train or develop talented people with the ability to manage projects, think ahead and solve complex problems.

You are a company, local authority or association and you would like to support your employees.

You are looking to:

  • improve your employees’ skills in order to boost your competitiveness,
  • further develop or consolidate their skills,
  • maintain their employability within your organisation,
  • support them with a change of role, etc.

We can help them get back into education and make the most of their personal and professional experience, as well as offer a wide range of courses: short continuing education courses, university degrees to acquire specific skills, or modules from undergraduate, master’s or doctorate degrees (university certificates).

Discover our range of continuing education courses

As a key player in vocational training, the University of Lille covers a very wide range of disciplines and occupations. Every year it trains almost 12,000 continuing education trainees.

Our courses

Training through a work-study programme
Work-study vocational training contract

A work-study vocational training contract allows you to recruit and train a person in the specifics of a particular profession, while enabling them to obtain a degree. This type of employment contract enables a transfer of skills and the individual’s integration into a work team.

Dare to work and study

Studying for the professions of tomorrow
with the Exist programme

Need to upgrade your skills, or simply refresh your knowledge? The University of Lille and its partners from the socio-economic world have launched a range of continuing education courses in four major strategic areas of the future.

  • Precision health
  • Innovation for a changing planet
  • Changing cultures, societies and practices
  • A digital world that works for humankind
