The University of Lille has 64 research units covering all fields of knowledge.
ADDSAdvanced Drug Delivery Systems Identifiant de la structure de recherche : U 1008Life and health sciences Precision healthADDSAdvanced Drug Delivery Systems U 1008
Research focus areas
- Controlled release of active ingredients
- Release mechanisms
- Tablets
- Coated minigranules
- Implants that form in situ to treat periodontitis
- Cochlear implants
- Active stents
- Bone substitutes
Director: Juergen Siepmann
Co-director: Florence SiepmannContact
Faculté de pharmacie
3, rue du professeur Laguesse
59006 - Lille
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 96 49 75
florence.siepmannuniv-lillefrAffiliated organisations: University of Lille, INSERM, Lille University Hospital
Life and health sciences Precision health -
ALITHILALiterary Analysis and Language History Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 1061Humanities and social sciencesALITHILALiterary Analysis and Language History ULR 1061
Research focus areas
- Digital and print publishing
- Translation and cultural transfers
- General poetics
- Literary genres and intermediality
- Disciplinary issues
- History, the individual and memory
- Sex and gender relations
- Jewish writers and artists
Director: Florence de ChalongeContact
Bureau A2.706
Bâtiment A - niveau 2
Campus Pont de Bois
Rue du barreau
59653 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33(0)3 20 41 60 51
Humanities and social sciences -
BIOECOAGROCross-border UMR Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMRT 1158Science and technology Science for a changing planetBIOECOAGROCross-border UMR UMRT 1158
Research focus areas:
- Team 1: Plant function and adaptation in interaction with its environment
- Team 2: Integrated functioning of the soil-plant system and exchanges between the ecosystem and the hydrosphere and atmosphere
- Team 3: Management, optimisation and design of cropping systems to meet multi-criteria objectives
- Team 4: Microbial secondary metabolites
- Team 5: Secondary metabolites of plant origin
- Team 6: Biotransformation/Enzymes and biocatalysis
- Team 7: Health benefits of protein hydrolysates and food industry co-products: production control, characterisation and development
- Team 8: Microbial and digestive ecosystems: interactions - dynamics - applications
- Team 9: Structure-function relationships for the rational formulation of foods and ingredients
Director: Philippe Jaques
Deputy Director: Jean-Louis Hilbert
Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Lille
Avenue Paul Langevin,
59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex
Phone: +33 (0)3 28 76 73 90 / + 33 (0)3 20 43 66 78Affiliated organisations:
- for the Institut Charles Violette: University of Lille, Université Littoral Côte d’Opale, Artois University, Groupe YNCREA Lille
- for the UMR: University of Lille, INRAE, Université Picardie Jules Verne, University of Liège
Science and technology Science for a changing planet -
CANTHERHeterogeneity, Plasticity and Resistance to Cancer Therapies Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 9020Life and health sciences Precision healthCANTHERHeterogeneity, Plasticity and Resistance to Cancer Therapies UMR 9020
Research focus areas:
- Cancer
- Treatment resistance
- Tumour dormancy
- Tumour heterogeneity
- Treatment failure
- Metastasis
- Fibrosis
- Senescence
- Targeted therapies
- Solid tumours
- Leukemias
- Prediction markers
- Predictive markers
- Therapeutic targeting
- Therapeutic orientation
- Precision medicine
Director: Isabelle Van SeuningenAddress:
Laboratoire CANTHER, UMR 9020 CNRS-1277 Inserm,
1 Place de Verdun,
Bâtiment Cancer,
F-59045 Lille Cedex.Contact:
Ms Véronique Labbé or Ms Marie-Paule Ducourouble
0320295552 or 0320298855
canther-contactuniv-lillefrAffiliated organisation: University of Lille, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Lille University Hospital, Institut Pasteur de Lille (IPL), Centre Oscar Lambret (COL).
Life and health sciences Precision health -
CEACCentre for the Study of Contemporary Art Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 3587Humanities and social sciencesCEACCentre for the Study of Contemporary Art ULR 3587
Research focus areas
- Systems, images, memories
- Gestures and corporality
- Creative process, meaning, transmission
- Arts, science and experimentation
Director: Nathalie DelbareContact
Bâtiment C Bis
Campus Pont de Bois
59653 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 41 71 87Humanities and social sciences -
CECILLECenter for Studies in Foreign Civilisation, Languages and Literature Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 4074Humanities and social sciences Changing cultures, societies and practicesCECILLECenter for Studies in Foreign Civilisation, Languages and Literature ULR 4074
Research focus areas
- Poetics and politics
- Feminism, gender(s) and intersectionality
- Power, societies, cultures
- Translation and mediation
- Area-based approaches covering five areas: Asia, Ireland, the Americas, the Mediterranean and Middle East, Romance Worlds.
Director: Fiona McCannContact
Campus Pont de Bois
Bât B, niv 1,
BP 60149
59653 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 41 73 95
fiona.mccannuniv-lillefrAffiliated organisation: University of Lille
Humanities and social sciences Changing cultures, societies and practices -
CERAPSCentre for Administrative, Political and Social Studies and Research Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8026Law, economics, management Changing cultures, societies and practicesCERAPSCentre for Administrative, Political and Social Studies and Research UMR 8026
Research focus areas
- Political science
- Public law
- Sociology
- Public policy
- Political representation
- Militancy
- Mobilisations
- Political parties
- Political participation
- International relations
- International conflicts
- Legal orders
- Local governments
- Health policies
- Environment
- Sociology of law
- Discrimination
- New technologies
- Informal policy
Director: Anne-Cécile DouilletContact
Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Politiques et Sociales
1, place Déliot
59024 - Lille
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 90 74 51
cerapsuniv-lillefrAffiliated organisations: CNRS, University of Lille, IEP de Lille
Law, economics, management Changing cultures, societies and practices -
CERIES‘Individuals, Hardships, Societies’ Research Centre Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 3589Humanities and social sciencesCERIES‘Individuals, Hardships, Societies’ Research Centre ULR 3589
Research focus areas
- Ages, family and friends
- Health, vulnerability
- Cities, citizenship
Interdisciplinary focus areas
- Sociology of hardship and life pathways
- Socio-historical approaches
Director: Michel CastraContact
Campus Pont de Bois
59653 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 41 72 70
Administrative and Financial Manager: Brittany Williams brittany.wlliamsuniv-lillefrHumanities and social sciences -
CHJLegal History Centre Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8025Law, economics, managementCHJLegal History Centre UMR 8025
Research focus areas
- Institutional and procedural standards and practices
- Commercial standards and practices
- Social standards and practices
- Penal and prison standards and practices
Interdisciplinary focus area- Dissemination and reception of judicial culture and literature (Europe and the colonies)
Director: Serge Dauchy
Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Politiques et Sociales
1, place Déliot
59000 - Lille
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 90 74 93
secretariat-chjumr8025univ-lillefrAffiliated organisation: CNRS
Law, economics, management -
CIC IT LilleLille Clinical Investigation Centre - Technological Innovation Identifiant de la structure de recherche : 1403Science and technologyCIC IT LilleLille Clinical Investigation Centre - Technological Innovation 1403
Lille’s CIC-IT is a research laboratory specialising in e-health and biosensors, and in the use of innovative technologies in all areas of healthcare. Backed by 15 years’ experience, the CIC-IT teams support clinicians, academics, manufacturers and users in their innovation initiatives.
Director: Régis Logier
Contact<br/> CIC-IT 1403 Lille<br/> Heart and Lung Institute<br/> Bd du Professeur Jules Leclercq<br/> 3ième étage Aile Est, CS 70001<br/> 59037 Lille Cedex<br/> Phone: +33 (0)3 20 44 67 45
Affiliated organisation: Lille University Hospital, Inserm, University of Lille
Science and technology -
CIILLille Infection and Immunity Centre Identifiant de la structure de recherche : U1019 - UMR 9017Life and health sciences Precision healthCIILLille Infection and Immunity Centre U1019 - UMR 9017
Research focus areas
- Host-pathogen interactions
- Pathogenesis
- Immune response
- Inflammatory response
- Anti-infective agents
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Vaccines
- Vector-borne diseases
- Bacteria
- Parasites
- Virus
- Asthma
- Clinical research
Director: Jean DubuissonContact
1, rue du professeur Calmette
Campus de l’Institut Pasteur de Lille
59019 - Lille
Isabelle Aslani
isabelle.aslaniibl.cnrsfrAffiliated organisations: CNRS, INSERM, Institut Pasteur Lille, Lille University Hospital
Life and health sciences Precision health -
CIRELLille Inter-University Centre for Educational Research Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 4354Humanities and social sciencesCIRELLille Inter-University Centre for Educational Research ULR 4354
Research focus areas
- The human mind, language and education
Director: Maria Pagoni
Campus Pont de Bois
Laboratoire CIREL
Rue du Barreau
BP 60149
59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 41 62 70
valerie.lantoine@univ-lille.frAffiliated organisation: UFR DECCID
Humanities and social sciences -
CLERSÉLille Centre for Sociological and Economic Studies and Research Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8019Law, economics, management Science for a changing planetCLERSÉLille Centre for Sociological and Economic Studies and Research UMR 8019
Research focus areas
- Comparative roots and dynamics of politics
- Professional and private worlds
- Economies and societies: development, wealth, innovation and regulation
Director: Richard Sobel
campus cité scientifique
Bâtiment SH2
59655 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 43 66 40
sophie.goyat@univ-lille.frAffiliated organisation: CNRS
Law, economics, management Science for a changing planet -
CRDPLegal Rights and Perspectives Research Centre Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 4487Law, economics, management Precision healthCRDPLegal Rights and Perspectives Research Centre ULR 4487
Research focus areas
- Interdisciplinary focus areas:
- Health, vulnerabilities and biomedicine
- European and international standards
- Dynamics of the legal system
- New economic partnerships
- Disciplinary focus areas:
Public law:
- Office of the administrative courts, public policy and legal categories
- European Union law, public international law
- New constitutional spaces and timescales
- Defence and security
- Public finance and accountingPrivate law:
- Legal theory
- Law and literature
- Law, semiotics and linguistics
- Law of obligations
- Social law
- Fundamental rights and freedoms in social law, discrimination in employment law, occupational risk prevention and compensation, employment law at the service of economic activity
- Intellectual property
- Business law
- Personal and family law
- Criminal lawDirector: Emmanuel Cartier
1 place Déliot
59024- Lille
Phone: +33(0)3 20 90 75 57
crdpuniv-lillefrAffiliated organisation: University of Lille
Law, economics, management Precision health - Interdisciplinary focus areas:
CRISTALCentre for Research in Computer Science, Signals and Automation Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 9189Science and technology Science for a changing planet A digital world that works for peopleCRISTALCentre for Research in Computer Science, Signals and Automation UMR 9189
Research focus areas
- Automatics
- IT
- Signal and image processing/analysis
Director: Clarisse Dhaenens
Campus cité scientifique
Bâtiment M3 extension
Avenue Carl Gauss
59655 - Villeneuve d’AscqAffiliated organisations: CNRS, Centrale Lille Institut, Centre INRIA Lille Nord Europe, IMT Lille-Douai
Science and technology Science for a changing planet A digital world that works for people -
EEPEvolution, ecology and palaeontology Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8198Science and technology Science for a changing planetEEPEvolution, ecology and palaeontology UMR 8198
Research focus areas
- Environment
- Biodiversity
- Evolutionary ecology
- Evolutionary genomics
- Eco-immunology
- Palaeontology
- Palaeobiodiversity
- Palaeoecology
- Palaeoclimate
Director: Xavier VekemansContact
Campus Cité scientifique
Bâtiment SN2
59655 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
eep-diruuniv-lillefrAffiliated organisation: CNRS
Science and technology Science for a changing planet -
EGENODIA(Epi)metabolic functional genomics and molecular mechanisms involved in type 2 diabetes and related diseases Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8199 - U 1283Life and health sciencesEGENODIA(Epi)metabolic functional genomics and molecular mechanisms involved in type 2 diabetes and related diseases UMR 8199 - U 1283
Research focus areas:
- Team 1 - Metabolic functional (epi)genomics and dysfunctions in type 2 diabetes and associated diseases
- Team 2 - Molecular and cellular pathophysiology of metabolic diseases
Director: Philippe Froguel
Faculté de Médecine HENRI-WAREMBOURG
Pôle Recherche : 1, place de Verdun -
59045 LILLE CEDEX - France
Phone: +33 (0)3 74 00 81 00Affiliated organisation: Inserm, CNRS, University of Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille
Life and health sciences -
GEMTEXTextile research laboratory Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 2461Science and technologyGEMTEXTextile research laboratory ULR 2461
Research focus areas:
Gemtex is structured into several research groups
- The HCD (Human-Centred Design) group covers a wide range of topics, including supply chain and production optimisation, the creation of 3D virtual garments and their digital chain, and intelligent textiles.
- The MTC (Mechanics Textile Composites) group brings together all research aimed at developing functional composite materials based on reinforced textiles.
- The MTP (Multifunctional Textiles and Processes) group develops multifunctional filaments, functionalises textiles and develops advanced textiles by inspecting their structures.
Director: Xianyi Zeng
2 allée Louise et Victor Champier
BP 30329
59056 Roubaix Cedex 1
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 25 64 64Affiliated organisation: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles (ENSAIT)
Science and technology -
GERIICOGroup for Interdisciplinary Studies and Research in Information and Communication Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 4073Humanities and social sciences A digital world that works for peopleGERIICOGroup for Interdisciplinary Studies and Research in Information and Communication ULR 4073
Research focus areas
- Information and communication sciences
- Information practices
- Organisational communication
- Media
- Knowledge organisation
- Cultural studies
Director: Patrice de la Broise
Campus Pont de Bois
GERiiCO - Bât B1 level 1
BP 60149
59653 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: 33 (0)3 20 41 68 25 and social sciences A digital world that works for people -
GRITAResearch Group on Injectable Forms and Associated Technologies Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 7365Life and health sciencesGRITAResearch Group on Injectable Forms and Associated Technologies ULR 7365
Research focus areas:
- Injectable drugs
- Plasticisers
- Incompatibilities
- Aseptic preparations
- Formulation
- Infusion
Director: Pascal Odou
Faculté des Sciences Pharmaceutiques et Biologiques de Lille
3, rue du professeur Laguesse
59006 Lille Cedex
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 96 40 29
pascal.odouuniv-lillefrAffiliated organisations: CNRS, Lille University Hospital
Life and health sciences -
HALMAHistory, Archaeology and Literature of the Ancient Worlds Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8164Humanities and social sciences Changing cultures, societies and practices A digital world that works for peopleHALMAHistory, Archaeology and Literature of the Ancient Worlds UMR 8164
Research focus areas
- Culture, space and territory
- Identities, practices and representations
- Corpus, traditions and receptions
Forecasting laboratory
- To live or to die, to weaken or to heal, the body in all its states: vulnerabilities, care and self-care
Director: Sandrine Huber
Domaine Universitaire du Pont de Bois
HALMA - Campus Ouest- Bât E 1st Floor
BP 60149
59653 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 41 63 65Affiliated organisations: University of Lille, CNRS, Ministry of Culture, INRAP
Humanities and social sciences Changing cultures, societies and practices A digital world that works for people -
ICAREData centre and services Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMS 2877Science for a changing planet Science and technologyICAREData centre and services UMS 2877
Research focus areas:
- Earth observation
- Satellite
- Atmospheric remote sensing
- Aerosols, clouds
- Water vapour
- Precipitation
- Satellite images
- Data centre
- Data distribution
- Operational processing
Director: Nicolas PascalContact:
Université de Lille, Sciences et Technologies,
Bât M3 ext
59658 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 62 26 88 99
Affiliated organisations: CNRS, CNESScience for a changing planet Science and technology -
IEMNInstitute for Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8520Science and technology Science for a changing planet A digital world that works for peopleIEMNInstitute for Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology UMR 8520
Research focus areas
- Electronics
- Microelectronics
- Nanotechnology
- Materials and nanostructures
- Micro- and nano-manufacturing plant
- Microwave characterisation unit
- Multi-Physics Characterisation Platform
- Telecom platform
- Near-field microscopy
- Micro- and nano-systems
- Materials and nanostructures
- Nano characterisation platform
- Optoelectronics
- Acoustics
- Microwaves
- Communication circuits and systems
Director: Thierry MelinContact
Laboratoire Central
Campus Cité scientifique
Avenue Henri Poincaré
59652 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 19 79 79
contactiemnfrAffiliated organisations: CNRS, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Centrale Lille, Yncréa ISEN
Science and technology Science for a changing planet A digital world that works for people -
IMCCEUniversity of Lille Observatory Research laboratory, integrated into the Institute of Celestial Mechanics and Ephemeris Calculations Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8028Science and technologyIMCCEUniversity of Lille Observatory Research laboratory, integrated into the Institute of Celestial Mechanics and Ephemeris Calculations UMR 8028
Research focus areas:
- Solar system, planetology, astrometry
- Astronomy and astrophysics
Director: Alain VienneContact:
1, impasse de l’observatoire
59000 - Lille
Phone: +33 (0)3 59 31 29 39
Affiliated organisation: University of Lille, CNRSScience and technology -
IMPECSImpact of the Chemical Environment on Health Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 4483Life and health sciences Science for a changing planetIMPECSImpact of the Chemical Environment on Health ULR 4483
Research focus areas:
- Improving and developing methods for assessing exposure, impregnation and airborne contaminant effects in the population.
- Analysing the cellular and molecular mechanisms associated with the pathogenicity of airborne contaminants
Director: Jean-Marc Lo Guidice
Pôle Recherche de la Faculté de Médecine
3ème étage - Aile EST
1 Place de Verdun
59045 Lille
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 62 68 19
guillaume.garcon@univ-lille.frLife and health sciences Science for a changing planet -
INFINITEInstitute for Translational Research in Inflammation Identifiant de la structure de recherche : U 1286Life and health sciences Precision healthINFINITEInstitute for Translational Research in Inflammation U 1286
Research focus areas
- Environment and homeostasis of secretory mucosa
- Epithelial integrity: from pathological regeneration to homeostasis
- From chronic inflammation to fibrosis: the role of immune cells
- Diagnostic and therapeutic innovation targeting inflammation
Director: Laurent Dubuquoy
Faculté de médecine - Pôle recherche
4ème étage
1 place Verdun
59045 - Lille
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 62 35 84
virginie.chameroy@inserm.frAffiliated organisations: Lille University Hospital, Inserm
Life and health sciences Precision health -
IRCICAResearch Institute for Software and Hardware Components for Information and Advanced Communication Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UAR 3380Science and technology A digital world that works for peopleIRCICAResearch Institute for Software and Hardware Components for Information and Advanced Communication UAR 3380
Research focus areas
- Connected objects: internet of things, 5G, energy, connectivity, security
- Photonics: optical fibres, non-linear dynamics, optical telecommunications, optics materials.
- Haptic and gestural interaction: computer science, electrical engineering, virtual reality, human-computer interaction, art-science
- Neuro-inspired information processing: artificial neuron, artificial synapse, impulse neural network, simulation software, neuro-inspired vision
Director: Laurent GrisoniContact
Parc scientifique de la Haute-Borne
50 avenue Halley
59658 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 62 53 15 00
Affiliated organisation: CNRSScience and technology A digital world that works for people -
IRHISInstitute for Historical Research in the North Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8529Humanities and social sciences Changing cultures, societies and practicesIRHISInstitute for Historical Research in the North UMR 8529
Research focus areas
- Creative processes and practices
- Power, norms and conflict
- The material/immaterial
- Critical uses of digital technology in the historical, artistic and archaeological sciences
- Middle Ages, Modern times, Contemporary times
- History; history of art; medieval, modern and contemporary archaeology
- Visual cultures; memory and heritage studies; war and conflict studies
- Images; artistic languages and reception; knowledge and economic circulations; analysis, representations and interactions of territories and societies
- Innovation, health, planning
Director: Charles MeriauxContact
University of Lille
Site du Pont de Bois
IRHiS - Bât A - bureau A1.221 - niveau forum-1
59653 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 41 62 87
Affiliated organisations: CNRS, University of LilleHumanities and social sciences Changing cultures, societies and practices -
L2EPElectrical Engineering and Power Electronics Laboratory Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 2697Science and technology Science for a changing planetL2EPElectrical Engineering and Power Electronics Laboratory ULR 2697
Research focus areas:
- Energy management
- Power electronics
- Power networks
- Digital modelling
- Optimisation
Director: Betty SemailContact
Université de Lille
59655 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: + 33 (0)3 62 26 82 10
Affiliated organisations: Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Centrale Lille, Yncréa-HEIScience and technology Science for a changing planet -
LACTHLaboratory for Architecture, Design, Territory and History Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 4998Humanities and social sciencesLACTHLaboratory for Architecture, Design, Territory and History ULR 4998
Research focus areas
The LACTH covers 4 areas of research:
- Design: This area aims to highlight the different temporal regimes that are mobilised within the design process (the tensions maintained between the categories of present, past and future) and to question the links between contemporaneity, anachrony and polychrony.
- Territory: This field studies the question of territorial scale and the role of architecture in shaping the city.
- History: This field explores twentieth-century architecture using methods that reveal the full complexity of the situations and objects studied.
- Materiality: Research in this field focuses on the reality of the built environment, and the link between theoretical knowledge and construction practices (programmes under construction).
Directors: Antonella Mastrorilli and Céline BarrèreContact
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 61 95 78Affiliated organisation: Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture et de Paysage de Lille (ENSAPL)
Humanities and social sciences -
LAMCUBEMechanics, Multiphysics, Multiscale Laboratory Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 9013Science and technology Precision health Science for a changing planetLAMCUBEMechanics, Multiphysics, Multiscale Laboratory UMR 9013
Research focus areas:
- Experimental mechanics
- Digital mechanics
- Geomechanics
- Tribology
- Fatigue and fracturing of materials
- Biomedical engineering
- Civil engineering
Director: Jean-Baptiste ColliatContact:
Mechanics, Multiphysics, Multiscale Laboratory
Campus Cité Scientifique
Metro 4 cantons
59655 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
jean-baptiste.colliatuniv-lillefrAffiliated organisations: CNRS, University of Lille, Centrale Lille
Science and technology Precision health Science for a changing planet -
LASIRESpectroscopy Laboratory for Interactions, Reactivity and the Environment Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8516Science and technology Science for a changing planetLASIRESpectroscopy Laboratory for Interactions, Reactivity and the Environment UMR 8516
Research focus areas
- Spectrochemistry of complex media
- Photoreactivity and condensed-phase dynamics
Director: Hervé VezinContact
Campus Cité scientifique
Bâtiment C5
59655 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
secretariat-lasiruniv-lillefrAffiliated organisation: CNRS
Science and technology Science for a changing planet -
LDARAndré Revuz Didactics Laboratory Identifiant de la structure de recherche : EA 4434Humanities and social sciencesLDARAndré Revuz Didactics Laboratory EA 4434
Research focus areas:
Scientific knowledge: nature, circulation, evolution: this area aims to shed light on the dynamics of scientific knowledge (within the historical, academic and public spheres), as well as the production of tools and/or artifacts that foster its understanding and construction. Research in this area is closely linked to the epistemology of the disciplines concerned.
Spupil and student activities: this area of research, which focuses on the individual ‘learner’, includes the study of the difficulties they encounter and strategies during ‘key’ transitions (CM2/6th grade, 3rd grade/2nd grade, Lycée/University), and more broadly the study of pupils’ and students’ activities during didactic transactions.
Practices and training of science teachers and educators: this area focuses on the practices of teachers (from primary to higher education) and educators in specific subject areas in order to better understand the driving forces and possible levers.
Directors: Maha Abboud
UFR de mathématiques
University of Paris
Bâtiment Sophie Germain
case courrier 7018
75205 Paris cedex 13
Secretariat: evelyne.scaronu-parisfrAffiliated organisation: Universités de Paris, Paris-est Créteil, CY Cergy Paris, Lille, Rouen Normandie.
Humanities and social sciences -
LEMLille Economy Management Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 9221Law, economics, management Changing cultures, societies and practicesLEMLille Economy Management UMR 9221
Research focus areas:
- Management & Organisation(Led by AurélieLeclercq-Vandelannoitte)
- Economic and Financial Flows(Led by ThomasBaudin)
- Marketing, Negotiation & Sales(Led by NathalieDemoulin)
- Decision-making(Led by QuentinDavid)
Director: Etienne FarvaqueContact:
Université de Lille,
Site Cité Scientifique
Bâtiment SH2
59655 Villeneuve D’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 41 73 69
marion.romouniv-lillefrAffiliated organisations: CNRS, University of Lille, IESEG, Artois University (Partner)
Law, economics, management Changing cultures, societies and practices -
LGCGECivil Engineering and Geoenvironment Laboratory Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 4515Science and technology Science for a changing planetLGCGECivil Engineering and Geoenvironment Laboratory ULR 4515
Research focus areas
- Multi-scale modelling and characterisation of coupled problems
- Innovative materials
- Concrete and composite materials
- Functioning of anthropised terrestrial ecosystems
- Housing and smart cities
Director: Ali ZaouiContact
Bâtiment ESPRIT, 4ème étage
Campus Cité Scientifique
Avenue Paul Langevin
50655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex
Phone: +33 (0)3 62 26 89 76
Phone (2nd): +33 (0)3 62 26 89 82
azaouipolytech-lillefrAffiliated organisations: Artois University, University of Lille, Yncréa, IMT Lille Douai
Science and technology Science for a changing planet -
LILNCOGLille Neurosciences & Cognition Identifiant de la structure de recherche : U 1172Life and health sciences Precision healthLILNCOGLille Neurosciences & Cognition U 1172
Research focus areas
- Brain imaging
- Brain plasticity
- Neurological diseases
- Mental illnesses
- Brain
- Neuroimmunology
- Neuroscience
- Therapeutic chemistry
Director: Luc Buée
U 1172
Bâtiment Biserte
1 place de Verdun
59045 Lille Cedex
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 29 88 50
celine.brandinsermfrAffiliated organisations: University of Lille, INSERM, Lille University Hospital
Life and health sciences Precision health -
LMFLLille Kampé de Fériet Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 9014Science and technology Science for a changing planetLMFLLille Kampé de Fériet Fluid Mechanics Laboratory UMR 9014
Research focus areas:
Main topics
- Turbulence
- Rotating flows
- Flight dynamics in an unstatic, inhomogeneous environment
Secondary topics
- Optical metrology
- Active flow control
- Data analysis
Director: Jean-Philippe LavalContact:
Bâtiment M6
Boulevard Paul Langevin
Cité scientifique
59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 33 71 60
mflcentralelillefrAffiliated organisations: Centrale Lille, ENSAM, ONERA, CNRS
Science and technology Science for a changing planet -
LOAAtmospheric Optics Laboratory Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8518Science and technology Science for a changing planetLOAAtmospheric Optics Laboratory UMR 8518
Research focus areas:
- Aerosol properties and their radiative impact on the climate
- Aerosol variability and trends
- Aerosol cycles
- Aerosol pollution and extreme events
- Climatic effects of clouds and water vapour
- Cloud systems and their structures
- Radiative transfer and optical properties of atmospheric particles
- Atmospheric remote sensing and inversion methods
Director: Philippe Dubuisson
Campus Cité scientifique
Bâtiment P5
59655 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 43 45 32
direction-loauniv-lillefrAffiliated organisation: CNRS, University of Lille
Science and technology Science for a changing planet -
LOBPaul Painlevé Laboratory Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8524Science and technology A digital world that works for peopleLOBPaul Painlevé Laboratory UMR 8524
Research focus areas:
- Analysis
- Numerical analysis and partial differential equations
- Arithmetic and algebraic geometry
- Geometry and topology
- Probability and statistics
Director: Benoit FresseContact:
Université Lille, Sciences et Technologies
LPP Bât M2, 003
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 43 45 71
direction-painlevemath.univ-lillefrAffiliated organisations: University of Lille, CNRS, INRIA
Science and technology A digital world that works for people -
LOGLaboratoire d’océanologie et de géosciences Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8187Science and technology Science for a changing planetLOGLaboratoire d’océanologie et de géosciences UMR 8187
Research focus areas:
- Biodiversity
- Global change
- Marine ecosystems
- Physical oceanography
- Remote sensing
- Marine geology
- Tectonics
- Geochemistry
- Sedimentology
- Coastal morphodynamics
Director: Hubert Loisel
Main address:
Laboratoire d’océanologie et de géosciences
28 and 32 avenue Foch, BP 80
62930 WimereuxVilleneuve d’Ascq address:
Université de Lille
UFR Sciences de la Terre
Building SN5
59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 21 99 29 19
hubert.loiseluniv-littoralfrAffiliated organisations: CNRS, Université Littoral Côte d’Opale
Science and technology Science for a changing planet -
LUMENLille University Management Lab Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 4999Law, economics, management Changing cultures, societies and practicesLUMENLille University Management Lab ULR 4999
Research focus areas:
- GRAF: Governance and Regulation of Financial Activity (Gouvernance et Régulation de l’Activité Financière)
- SOIE: Strategy, Organisation, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Stratégie, Organisation, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat)
- DHAMI: Human Development, Managerial Alternatives and Innovations (Développements Humains, Alternatives Managériales et Innovations)
- MTD: Transformative Marketing, Distribution (Marketing transformatif, Distribution)
- ARTE: Resource Allocation and Business Trajectories (Allocation des Ressources et Trajectoires d’Entreprises)
- CCM: Consumption, Culture and Markets (Consommation, Culture et Marchés)
Director: Benoît Demil
Assistant Directors: Isabelle Collin-Lachaud, Pascal AlphonseContact:
IAE Lille
104 avenue du Peuple Belge
59 043 Lille Cedex
Sylvie Van Caeneghem
Administrative Manager
Phone: +33(0)3 20 12 24 75
Mobile: (+33)(0)6 47 11 03 43
contact-lumeniaelillefrAffiliated organisations: University of Lille
Law, economics, management Changing cultures, societies and practices -
M2SVMedicines and Molecules for Acting on Living Systems Identifiant de la structure de recherche : U 1177Life and health sciencesM2SVMedicines and Molecules for Acting on Living Systems U 1177
Research focus areas
- New active ingredients
- Medicinal chemistry
- Screening, HCS, HTS
- Pharmacokinetics
- Molecular modelling
- Anti-infectives
- Metabolic diseases
- Treatments for cancer
Director: Benoît DeprezContact
3 rue du professeur Laguesse
59006 - Lille
benoit.deprezuniv-lillefrAffiliated organisations: Inserm, Pasteur Institute of Lille, University of Lille
Life and health sciences -
MABLABCellular adiposity and bone Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 4490Life and health sciencesMABLABCellular adiposity and bone ULR 4490
Research focus areas
- Bones
- Medullary adiposity
- Bone quality
- Osteoporosis
- Osteonecrosis
Director: Christophe ChauveauContact
Faculté de Chirurgie Dentaire
Place de Verdun,
59,000 Lille
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 16 79 83
Affiliated organisation: Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, University of Lille, Lille University HospitalLife and health sciences -
MESHSEuropean Centre for Human and Social Sciences Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UAR 3185Humanities and social sciencesMESHSEuropean Centre for Human and Social Sciences UAR 3185
Research focus areas
MESHS coordinates two scientific programmes and two interdisciplinary initiatives:
- Vulnerabilities
- Anticipations
- DATAnum interdisciplinary initiative
- Digital humanities interdisciplinary initiative
Director: Emmanuelle Poulain-GautretContact
43 avenue le Corbusier
BP 80217
59002 Lille Cedex
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 12 58 30Affiliated organisation: CNRS, Réseau national des MSH, MESRI, University of Lille, Artois University, Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, Université Polytechnique des Hauts-de-France, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Université Catholique de Lille, Région Hauts-de-France, Ville de Lille
Humanities and social sciences -
METRICSHealth technology and medical practice assessment Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 2694Life and health sciencesMETRICSHealth technology and medical practice assessment ULR 2694
Research focus areas:
- Early assessment: conditions of use, economic and organisational impact
- Clinical evaluation: score construction in the era of precision medicine
- Population-based evaluation: data re-use, creation and management of practice registers and hospital data repositories, and use of SNDS data
Three key clinical areas:
- Mother and child health
- Acute care
- Seniors’ health
Director: Jean-Baptiste BEUSCARTContact:
Faculté de médecine - Pôle recherche
1, place de Verdun
59045 - Lille
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 62 69 69
secretariat-ea2694univ-lillefrAffiliated organisation: University of Lille, Lille University Hospital
Life and health sciences -
MSAPMiniaturisation for synthesis, analysis and proteomics Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UAR 3290Science and technology Science for a changing planetMSAPMiniaturisation for synthesis, analysis and proteomics UAR 3290
Research focus areas:
- Identification and quantification of proteins from biological samples (extraction, labelling, separation) using chromatography, mass spectrometry and bioinformatics
- Developing new reagents and new fields of application
- Reactivity studies in microreactors
Director: Ahmed MazzahContact:
Campus Cité scientifique
Bâtiment C4
Avenue Paul Langevin
59655 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 33 64 29
ahmed.mazzahuniv-lillefrAffiliated organisation: University of Lille, CNRS
Science and technology Science for a changing planet -
ONCO-THAILaser-Assisted Therapies and Immunotherapies for Oncology Identifiant de la structure de recherche : U 1189Life and health sciences Precision healthONCO-THAILaser-Assisted Therapies and Immunotherapies for Oncology U 1189
Research focus areas
- Health technologies and therapeutic innovation
- Immunotherapies
- Oncology
Director: Nadira Delhem
1, avenue Oscar Lambret
59037 - Lille
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 44 67 09
cindy.pypeinsermfrAffiliated organisations: Inserm, Lille University Hospital, University of Lille
Life and health sciences Precision health -
PC2APhysicochemistry of combustion processes and the atmosphere Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8522Science and technology Science for a changing planetPC2APhysicochemistry of combustion processes and the atmosphere UMR 8522
Research focus areas
- Environment
- Atmospheric chemistry
- Metrology
- Laser diagnostics
- Modelling reactive systems
- Elementary and complex chemical kinetics
- Energy
- Combustion
- Flames
- Automotive engines
- Autoignition
- Clean processes
- Air quality
Director: Benjamin HanouneContact
Campus Cité scientifique
Bâtiment C11
59655 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 43 48 02
Affiliated organisations: CNRS, University of LilleScience and technology Science for a changing planet -
PHLAMLaboratory for Laser Physics, Atoms and Molecules Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8523Science and technology Science for a changing planet A digital world that works for peoplePHLAMLaboratory for Laser Physics, Atoms and Molecules UMR 8523
Research focus areas:
5 research teams:
- Physics of laser-cooled atoms
- Theoretical molecular physical chemistry
- Dynamics of complex systems
- Photonics
- Molecular physics at interfaces
Director: Cristian FoscaContact
Campus Cité scientifique
Bâtiment P5
59655 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 43 49 82
Affiliated organisation: University of Lille, CNRS
Science and technology Science for a changing planet A digital world that works for people -
PHYCELLCell Physiology Laboratory Identifiant de la structure de recherche : U 1003Life and health sciencesPHYCELLCell Physiology Laboratory U 1003
Affiliated organisation: INSERM, University of Lille
Research focus areas:
- Calcium signatures and channelopathies in prostate tumours
- Calcium signalling and pancreatic cancer
- Inflammation and ion channels
Director: Natacha PrevarskayaContact:
Campus Cité scientifique
Bâtiment SN 3, UFR de biologie
59655 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 33 64 23
Sandy Despeghel: sandy.despeghelinsermfrLife and health sciences -
PLBSBiology and Health Platforms in Lille Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UAR 2014 US 41Life and health sciencesPLBSBiology and Health Platforms in Lille UAR 2014 US 41
Research focus areas:
- Methodological, technological and service platforms
- Genomics
- Glycomics, proteomics
- Screening, HSC, HTS
- Bioinformatics, bioanalysis, biostatistics
- Cellular imaging, cytometry
- Life imaging, functional exploration
- Animal housing facility
Director: Sophie CrespinContact
Cité Scientifique
Bâtiment C9 - bureau 104
59 650 Villeneuve d’Ascq
ums2014-us41-secretariatuniv-lillefrAffiliated organisation: University of Lille, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Lille University Hospital, Institut Pasteur de Lille
Life and health sciences -
PRISMProteomics, inflammatory response, mass spectrometry Identifiant de la structure de recherche : U 1192Life and health sciences Precision healthPRISMProteomics, inflammatory response, mass spectrometry U 1192
Research focus areas:
- Therapeutic and technological innovations
Research topics
- Oncoimmunology
- Oncology (gliomas, breast, gynaecological cancers, sarcomas): Resistance, risk and relapse
- Clinical proteomics, interactomics, systems biology, transomics
- Spatially resolved mass spectrometry and proteomics imaging
- In vivo real-time diagnostics and guided surgery
- Diagnosis by VOC analysis
Directors: Michel Salzet / Isabelle FournierContact
Université Lille, Sciences et Technologies,
Campus Cité Scientifique
PRISM - Bât SN3, 1er, 113
59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex
+33 (0)3 20 43 43 86
irene.gadottiuniv-lillefrAffiliated organisations: INSERM, Lille University Hospital, Centre Oscar Lambret (COL)
Life and health sciences Precision health -
PSITECPsychology: interactions, time, emotions, cognition Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 4072Humanities and social sciences Precision health Changing cultures, societies and practicesPSITECPsychology: interactions, time, emotions, cognition ULR 4072
Research focus areas
- Emotional and Cognitive (Dys)Regulation
- Education and Society
- Development and Disability
- Justice and Labour
- Neuropsychology & Hearing
Director: Marion LuyetContact
Campus Pont de bois
PSITEC- Bât A4 niveau 4
BP 60149
59653 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
+33 (0)3 20 41 63 47
christine.humezuniv-lillefrHumanities and social sciences Precision health Changing cultures, societies and practices -
RADEMERare Diseases of Embryonic Development and Metabolism: from Phenotype to Genotype and Function Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 7364Life and health sciencesRADEMERare Diseases of Embryonic Development and Metabolism: from Phenotype to Genotype and Function ULR 7364
Research focus areas
- Clinical and genetic approach to developmental abnormalities, particularly of the limbs
- Characterisation and genetic aspects of hereditary metabolic diseases (HMDs) involved in malformative syndromes
Director: Jamal GhoumidContact
CHU de Lille
Clinique de Génétique médicale Guy Fontaine
Centre de référence maladies rares Anomalies du développement
Hôpital Jeanne de Flandre
59037 - Lille
jamal.ghoumidchru-lillefrLife and health sciences -
RID-AGERisk Factors and Molecular Determinants of Age-Related Diseases Identifiant de la structure de recherche : U 1167Life and health sciences Precision healthRID-AGERisk Factors and Molecular Determinants of Age-Related Diseases U 1167
Research focus areas
- Public health and epidemiology of age-related diseases
- Molecular determinants of remodelling and heart failure
- Molecular determinants of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive impairment
- Integrative structural biology
- Glycation, from inflammation to ageing
Director: Philippe Amouyel
Institut Pasteur de Lille
1 rue du professeur Calmette
BP 245
59019 - Lille
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 87 77 10
philippe.amouyelpasteur-lillefrAffiliated organisations: University of Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille, INSERM, Lille University Hospital
Life and health sciences Precision health -
RIME LABInterdisciplinary research in management and economics Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 7396Law, economics, managementRIME LABInterdisciplinary research in management and economics ULR 7396
Research focus areas
- Anchorage and mobility
- Institutions, societies, economy
Director: Oliviane BrodinContact
IAE Lille
104 avenue du peuple Belge
59000 - Lille
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 34 44
Sylvie Van Caeneghem
Phone: +33(0) 3 20 12 24 75
Murielle Polomack
Phone: +33(0) 3 20 12 24 85Affiliated organisation: Artois University, University of Lille
Law, economics, management -
RNMCDNuclear Receptors, Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Identifiant de la structure de recherche : U 1011Life and health sciences Precision healthRNMCDNuclear Receptors, Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes U 1011
Research focus areas
- Nuclear receptors
- Inflammation
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Metabolic diseases
Director: Bart Staels
UMR 1011
Institut Pasteur de Lille
1, rue du professeur Calmette
BP 245 - 59019 - Lille
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 87 78 25 / 77 52
bart.staels@univ-lille.frAffiliated organisations: Inserm, University of Lille, Lille University Hospital, Institut Pasteur de Lille
Life and health sciences Precision health -
RTDTranslational Diabetes Research Identifiant de la structure de recherche : U 1190Life and health sciencesRTDTranslational Diabetes Research U 1190
Research focus areas
- Diabetes
- Metabolic and cardiovascular diseases
Director: François PattouContact
Faculté de médecine - Pôle recherche
3ème étage Ouest
1, Place de Verdun
59045 Lille
vgmyruniv-lillefrAffiliated organisations: Inserm, Lille University Hospital, University of Lille
Life and health sciences -
SCALABAffective and cognitive sciences Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 9193Humanities and social sciences Changing cultures, societies and practices A digital world that works for peopleSCALABAffective and cognitive sciences UMR 9193
Research focus areas
- Visual and motor cognition
- Emotional dynamics
- Language
- Belief
- Cognitive sciences
- Affective sciences
- Psychopathology
- Neuropsychology
- Cognitive technologies
- Emotional and cognitive rehabilitation
Director: Jean-Louis Nandrino
Laboratoire SCALab UMR CNRS 9193
Université de Lille
Rue du Barreau
BP 60149
59653 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33(0)3 20 41 71 21
emmanuelle.fournieruniv-lillefrAffiliated organisation: CNRS, Lille University
Humanities and social sciences Changing cultures, societies and practices A digital world that works for people -
STLKnowledge, texts, language Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8163Humanities and social sciences Changing cultures, societies and practices A digital world that works for peopleSTLKnowledge, texts, language UMR 8163
Research focus areas
- Shapes and science
- Knowledge, works, discourse
- Standards, actions, creations
- Argumentation
- Translation
Director: Ruth Webb
Campus Pont de bois
Rue du Barreau
BP 60149
59653 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
stl-directionuniv-lillefrAffiliated organisation: CNRS
Humanities and social sciences Changing cultures, societies and practices A digital world that works for people -
TVESTerritories, Cities, Environment & Society Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 4477Humanities and social sciences Changing cultures, societies and practicesTVESTerritories, Cities, Environment & Society ULR 4477
Research focus areas
- Organising public space, building a sense of community
- Revealing inequalities, regional adaptation/conservation
- Regional design and construction
Director: Philippe Deboudt (ULille)
Co-director: Christophe Gibout (ULCO)Contact
Campus Cité scientifique
UFR de géographie et aménagement
Avenue Paul Langevin
59655 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: + 33 (0)3 20 43 69 75
tvesuniv-lillefrAffiliated organisations: Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, University of Lille
Humanities and social sciences Changing cultures, societies and practices -
UCCSCatalysis and Solid State Chemistry Unit Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8181Science and technology Science for a changing planet A digital world that works for peopleUCCSCatalysis and Solid State Chemistry Unit UMR 8181
Research focus areas
- Heterogeneous catalysis
- Catalysis and molecular chemistry
- Solid state chemistry
Director: Jean-François LamonierContact
Campus Cité scientifique
Bâtiment C3
59655 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 43 49 49
contact-uccsuniv-lillefrAffiliated organisations:CNRS, Artois University, Chimie Lille, Centrale Lille
Science and technology Science for a changing planet A digital world that works for people -
UGSFStructural and Functional Glycobiology Unit Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8576Science and technology Precision health Science for a changing planetUGSFStructural and Functional Glycobiology Unit UMR 8576
Research focus areas
- Biochemistry
- Glycobiology
- Structural biology
- Systems biology
- Glycoconjugates
- Polysaccharides
- Protein
- Post-translational modifications
Director: Yann GuerardelContact
Campus Cité scientifique
Bâtiment C9, 001, RDC
59655 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 43 48 83
umr-ugsfuniv-lillefrAffiliated organisations: CNRS, University of Lille
Science and technology Precision health Science for a changing planet -
UMETMaterials and Processing Unit Identifiant de la structure de recherche : UMR 8207Science and technology Science for a changing planet A digital world that works for peopleUMETMaterials and Processing Unit UMR 8207
Affiliated structures
- University of Lille
- Centrale Lille Institute
Research focus areas
- Polymer systems engineering
- Molecular and therapeutic materials
- Physical metallurgy and materials engineering
- Mineral physics
- Terrestrial and planetary materials
- The plasticity of planetary interiors
- The study of interface processes and materials hygiene
Director: Guillaume DelaplaceContact
Campus Cité scientifique
Bâtiment C6
59655 - Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 43 49 67
secretariat-umetuniv-lillefrScience and technology Science for a changing planet A digital world that works for people -
UMLLille Mechanical Engineering Unit Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 7512Science and technology Precision healthUMLLille Mechanical Engineering Unit ULR 7512
Research focus areas
- Complex flows and fluids, turbulence
- Heat and mass transfer, mixing
- Computer fluid dynamics
- Mechanical behaviour of materials
- Fracture/fatigue/damage
- Metallic alloys/polymers/composites/heterogeneous materials
- Experimental/modelling/simulation
- Multi-scale approaches
- Digital homogenisation
Director: Moussa Nait AbdelazizContact
Baptiste Vanderpert (Financial and Accounting Manager)
Avenue Henri Poincaré
Bâtiment ESPRIT, RDC; Bureau S0.38
Cité Scientifique
59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 43 43 05Science and technology Precision health -
UREPSSSSport, Health and Society Multidisciplinary Research Unit Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 7369Life and health sciences Humanities and social sciences Precision healthUREPSSSSport, Health and Society Multidisciplinary Research Unit ULR 7369
Research focus areas
- Muscle, physical activity, health, sedentary lifestyles, performance, physiology, neurophysiology
- Responsibility of those involved in sport and education
- Sociology, history, psychology, physical and sports activities, regulation
Director: Serge BerthoinContact
413, avenue Eugène Avinée
59120 - Loos
Phone: +33 (0)3 74 00 82 00
Affiliated organisations: Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, Artois UniversityLife and health sciences Humanities and social sciences Precision health -
UTML&AForensic Taphonomy Unit Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 7367Life and health sciencesUTML&AForensic Taphonomy Unit ULR 7367
Research focus areas
- Taphonomy
- Bones
- Entomology
- Microbiota
- Teeth
- Death
- Post-mortem interval
Director: Valéry Hedouin
Faculté de médecine - Institut médico-légal
Rue André Verhaeghe
59000 - Lille
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 62 35 01
valery.hedouinuniv-lillefrLife and health sciences -
Virology Laboratory‘Viral pathogenesis’ Identifiant de la structure de recherche : ULR 3610Life and health sciences Precision healthVirology Laboratory‘Viral pathogenesis’ ULR 3610
Research focus areas:
- Virology / Viruses
- Enterovirus / Coxsackievirus B
- Viral pathogenesis
- Fighting viruses
- Markers of viral infection
Director: Didier HoberContact:
Virology Laboratory - ULR 3610
Centre Paul Boulanger
Hôpital Calmette CHU
BD du Pr J Leclerc
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 44 66 88
didier.hoberchru-lillefrAffiliated organisations: University of Lille, Lille University Hospital
Life and health sciences Precision health