Supporting the university, guiding its students, sharing in its causes and showing solidarity.
Support atypical and talented students
Sponsor a student
Would you like to support a student? Born in the unprecedented context of the health crisis, which was particularly difficult for students, the Mentoring project aims to facilitate meetings and opportunities for exchange based on the suggestions and needs of each individual, and thus better support students who feel the need for such additional help. The mentor is a privileged point of contact. He/she is the person to whom students can ask questions, from whom they can obtain advice and with whom they can share moments of friendship whilst building relationships. This helps to support them at an important time in their lives when they are studying at university.
To register or find out more:
Register on the University of Lille’s Lilagora platform, which is open to everyone. Indicate the geographical area in which you are based, and your expectations of mentoring. The platform will put you in touch with a student in your sector who is looking for someone to talk to. You can then get in touch.
- Identify your precise expectations and motivations and specify them in the tool when you submit your application, and communicate them to the student during your first meeting.
- Demonstrate listening skills, empathy and kindness.
- Make sure to give a certain amount of your time and energy to the student.
- Maintain regular contact with him/her in a friendly manner.
- Pass on your experience, offer practical advice in response to students’ questions within your areas of expertise.
- Respect the total confidentiality of these discussions.
Supporting innovation and young doctoral students
The only organisation of its kind in France, Consulid is a consultancy for doctoral students at the university, offering a wide range of services to businesses (technology watch, feasibility studies, innovation audits and consultancy, technical support and training).
In recent years, the corporate sector has become the main destination for those in France with a doctoral degree, with 44% of such individuals working in the private sector. In addition to their technical knowledge, they develop many cross-disciplinary skills that are highly sought after by companies.
As well as providing services to companies, Consulid enables doctoral students to make contact with the private sector. By supporting Consulid, you:
- encourage synergies between the academic and private sectors
- make it easier for those with doctoral degrees to enter the world of work
- Give companies access to cutting-edge scientific knowledge
Supporting our major projects
Supporting excellence
The Foundation’s mission is to:
- coordinate, finance, support and promote projects of excellence in research, study and educational innovation
- contribute to the University of Lille’s positioning at the highest international level
- encourage the dissemination and use of research and educational innovation results
Playing a part in the development of the University of Lille
by paying your apprenticeship tax
The year 2022 marks an important milestone in the evolution of the university, which will form the new ‘Université de Lille’ together with a number of renowned schools (ESJ Lille, Sciences Po Lille, ENSAIT, ENSAPL). This new institution is the result of the shared ambition of several key players in the region’s higher education, research and innovation sectors to join forces to create:
- a university of excellence and inclusiveness, positioning itself as one of Europe’s most recognised institutions over the next ten years,
- a major player in the ongoing revitalisation of its region, able to use the tools of knowledge and expertise to meet the challenges of global change − social, economic and ecological.
Fundraising campaigns
University foundation
On this page, you can find out more about our donation campaigns (tax exemption, etc.).