Shared research structures

The aim of these structures is to bring together skills, human resources and equipment to solve a particular problem.

Shared research structures (SRS) are groups of research units (RU) and/or research teams whose aim is to pool competencies, and possibly human and material resources, in order to address one or more research issues and give them greater visibility and efficiency. SRS are consistent with the scientific policy of the University of Lille.

The University of Lille is involved in the following shared research structures:

Different forms

The concept of SRS covers a number of different bodies or forms: federative research structures (FRS), research federations (RF), CNRS-accredited SRS, scientific interest groups (SIG), research groups (RG) and international research networks. They may be accredited by the university and/or other partner institutions.

Hauts-de-France Mathematical Research Federation

The Hauts-de-France Mathematical Research Federation brings together mathematicians from the Hauts-de-France region. It aims to pool competencies in fundamental and applied mathematics, thus creating a strong research cluster with a high national and international profile. It represents and defends mathematics at regional level and promotes regional scientific activities.

This shared research structure has been accredited by the University of Lille.

University of Lille scientific lead: Sophie Grivaux

Fédération de Recherche Mathématique des Hauts de France (FR2037 CNRS)
Service Administration-Gestion du Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, UMR 8524 Université de Lille
Cité Scientifique, Bâtiment M2
59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 33 61 13

Under the administrative supervision of: CNRS, ’Artois University, University of Lille, Université du Littoral-Côte d'Opale, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Université Technologie de Compiègne


Institut Michel Eugène Chevreul Research federation

The Michel-Eugène Chevreul Institute brings together four research units at the University of Lille working in the field of chemistry and materials. Its role is to structure the sector, raise its profile and coordinate joint initiatives at both regional and national levels. The Institut Chevreul has an advanced characterisation platform as well as an engineering technology platform for chemistry and materials, which are open to academic research and partnerships.

This shared research structure has been accredited by the University of Lille.

University of Lille scientific lead: Guy Buntinx

Institut Chevreul
Cité scientifique
Avenue Paul langevin
59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq
+33 (0)3 20 05 87 23

Under the administrative supervision of: University of Lille, University of Artois, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille, Centrale Lille, CNRS, INRA

University of Lille affiliated research unit:

  • Catalysis and Solid State Chemistry Unit (UCCS) - UMR 8181
  • Materials and Transformations Unit (UMET) - UMR 8207
  • Spectroscopy Laboratory for Interactions, Reactivity and the Environment (LASIRE) - UMR 8516
  • Miniaturisation for Synthesis, Analysis and Proteomics (MSAP) - USR 3290



Transport Terrestre Mobilité (TTM) Research federation

The TTM research federation structures research dedicated to land transport and mobility in the Hauts-de-France region and enhances its visibility.

Thanks to its interdisciplinary approach and cross-fertilisation of scientific competencies, it represents a unique asset in the French landscape, opening up new fields of investigation that will enable us to meet the needs of the economy and society for mobility that is low-carbon, autonomous, inclusive, safe and sustainable.

This shared research structure has been accredited by the University of Lille.

University of Lille scientific lead: Maan El Badaoui El Najjar

Under the administrative supervision of: CNRS, University of Lille, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Centrale Lille, Arts et Métiers Paris-Tech, IMT Lille Douai, Inria, Junia, Onera


Lille Mechanical Federation Federative research structure

The purpose of the Lille Mechanical Federation FRS (FED 4282) is to promote multidisciplinary research in the field of mechanics, excluding land transport and civil engineering, on topics covering the mechanics and multi-scale surface morphology, the mechanics of living materials and composites, the dynamics of coupled systems, the modelling of complex flows, and material processes and behaviours.

Scientific leads: Jean-François Pauwels (University of Lille) and Damien Soulat (ENSAIT)

Cité scientifique, Bâtiment ESPRIT
Avenue Paul Langevin
59655, Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 33 61 30

Under the administrative supervision of: University of Lille, Centrale Lille, ENSAIT, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, IMT Nord Europe, ONERA-Lille, CNRS

Affiliated research units:

  • Laboratory of Multiphysics and Multiscale Mechanics (LaMcube) - UMR 9013
  • Lille Fluid Mechanics Laboratory - Kampé de Fériet (LMFL-KF) - UMR 9014
  • Lille Mechanics Unit - Joseph Boussinesq (UML) - ULR 7512
  • Textile Engineering and Materials Laboratory (GEMTEX) - EA 2461
  • Civil Engineering and Geo-Environment Laboratory (LGCgE) - ULR 4515
  • Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN) - UMR 8520
  • Materials and Transformations Unit (UMET) - UMR 8207
  • Structural and Functional Glycobiology Unit (UGSF) - UMR 8576
  • Oceanology and Geosciences Laboratory (LOG) - UMR 8187


Infection and Inflammation (SF2I) Federative research structure

SFR SF2i aims to foster and expand collaborations between CIIL and INFINITE, stimulate scientific dialogue and the dissemination of knowledge and expertise, promote international visibility and local appeal for young researchers and new teams, and get involved in academic teaching, learning resources and specialised training.

This shared research structure has been accredited by the University of Lille.

University of Lille and national scientific lead: Benoît Foligné


Under the administrative supervision of: University of Lille, Inserm, Lille University Hospital, CNRS, Institut Pasteur de Lille

Campus de la Mer Federative research structure

The Campus de la Mer FRS works to coordinate research in the marine and coastal fields in the Hauts-de-France region, and to raise its profile at both a regional and national level by organising collaborative projects, promoting exchanges between actors within and outside the FRS, facilitating the use of equipment available in research units, and encouraging the development of new research projects at the interface between different sub-disciplines (HSS, LHS, ST).

This shared research structure has been accredited by the University of Lille.

University of Lille and national scientific lead: Sébastien Lefebvre

Contact: anais.zamiara@univ-littoral

Under the administrative supervision of: Université Littoral Côte d'Opale (lead), University of Lille, Ifremer, ANSES


Digital and Heritage Federative research structure

The Digital and Heritage SRS aims to combine research in digital sciences (digitisation, virtualisation, mass data processing, virtual reality, etc.) with research into heritage, both tangible and intangible (art history, archaeology, history, literature, etc.).

This shared research structure has been accredited by the University of Lille.

University of Lille scientific lead and deputy director: Etienne Hamon

Etienne Hamon (deputy director of the SFS - University of Lille):
El Mustapha Mouaddib (director of the SFS - Université de Picardie Jules Verne): mouaddibu-picardiefr

Under the administrative supervision of: Université Picardie Jules Verne, University of Lille, Université du Littoral Côté d'Opale, ’Artois University


Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Environmental Sciences (IREPSE) Federative research structure

The SFS IRePSE’s mission is to promote, lead and coordinate multidisciplinary research in environmental sciences, covering topics such as atmospheric physics and chemistry, the study of natural environments (soils, marine environments, continental waters) and their pollution status, ecosystems, the structure and dynamics of biodiversity, geosciences and paleobiodiversity, environmental risks and the relationship between nature and society.

This shared research structure has been accredited by the University of Lille.

Director: Taniel Danelian
Deputy director: Coralie Schoemaecker


Under the administrative supervision of: University of Lille


Technologies for Health and Medicine (THM) Federative research structure

The SFR THM brings together the following areas of scientific research: medicines & biomaterials, e-health & medical logistics and medical devices (bioengineering, computer-assisted gestures). It brings together some twenty research teams, regional hospitals and industry players to support innovative projects integrating basic, translational and clinical research.

This shared research structure has been accredited by the University of Lille.

Leads: Emmanuel Chazrad, Slim Hammadi, Nicolas Blanchemain

Mélanie Steffe,
CERIM, Faculté de Medecine,
PR, 1 place de verdun,
59045 Lille

Under the administrative supervision of: Inserm, CNRS, Inria, Lille University Hospital, ’Artois University, University of Lille, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Centrale Lille, Ensait, IMT Lille Douai


Lille Institute for Interdisciplinary Cancer Research (ONCOLille) Scientific interest group

The ONCOLille Lille Institute for Interdisciplinary Cancer Research is designed to enable the daily interaction of over 250 researchers and clinicians from multidisciplinary teams. This dynamic has enabled us to develop research of excellence and to gain a better understanding of resistance to therapies, tumour dormancy, relapse and cancers with a poor prognosis, all for the benefit of the patient.

This shared research structure has been accredited by the University of Lille.

Director: Isabelle Van Seuningen

Bâtiment Cancer - Canther,
1 place de Verdun
59045 Lille Cedex - France
Phone: +33 (0)3 59 50 75 69

Under the administrative supervision of: CNRS, University of Lille, Inserm, Lille University Hospital, Centre Oscar Lambret


Visual Sciences and Cultures (VSC) Research federation

The Visual Sciences and Cultures (VSC) Research Federation aims to give an institutional structure and greater visibility to the VSC research cluster in order to better promote scientific projects developed at the interface of HSS (history, art history, philosophy, archaeology), cognitive sciences (psychology, neuroscience, linguistics) and digital sciences (computer science, mathematics).

This shared research structure has been accredited by the University of Lille.

Director: Yann Coello

L’Imaginarium – Plaine Images
99 a Boulevard Descat
59200 Tourcoing
Phone: +33 (0)3 66 72 33 00

Under the administrative supervision of: University of Lille, CNRS, Centrale Lille


Condorcet Federative research structure

In the medium term, FRS Condorcet’s ambition is to gain recognition at European level as a benchmark research centre for the bioeconomy, focusing on the development of plant-based products in their entirety, whether in upstream or more finalised research

This shared research structure has been accredited by the University of Lille.

Director: Arnaud Haudrechy (University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne)

Co-director: Florence Djedaini-Pilard (Université de Picardie Jules Verne)

Under the administrative supervision of: CNRS, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, University of Liège
