The university ensures that students take an active and effective approach to their search for internships and jobs.
Ithe internships and jobs department (BAIP):
- supports students throughout the year with a wide range of targeted schemes
- develops partnerships with the recruitment industry to promote student employability with employment agencies, public and semi-public recruitment specialists, recruiters, etc.
Student support
- Ongoing scheduling of initiatives throughout the course of study;
- Students can prepare for their search for internships in France and abroad, or their job search;
- Personalised welcome for students with specific problems.
- Development of teaching resources: lives, ‘professional insights’ videos (interviews with recruitment experts), teaching videos (CVs, letters, etc.), practical information sheets and tutorials
- Provision of digital resources (experience and skills portfolio − PEC, PerformanSe, Visiotalent)
Partnerships with the recruitment industry
- Partnerships in the field of professional integration (Réseau Alliances, Apec, Nos quartiers ont des talents - NQT, Fondation Mozaik, la Mel and the city of Lille) and coordinating a network of parties involved in various areas of training (network of human resources consultants, etc.)
- Organising meetings between students and recruiters, HR, etc.
- BAIP - Moulins-Lille campus - RDC building C – 1 place Déliot 59000 Lille
- BAIP - Cité scientifique campus - SUP building - 1st floor - av. Carl Gauss 59650 Villeneuve-d’Ascq
baip-campus-citescientifiqueuniv-lillefr - BAIP - Pont-de-Bois campus - Student Centre, forum level +1 - rue du Barreau 59653 Villeneuve d’Ascq
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