Here you can find out about the different types of housing support available to you.

Support from the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (CAF)

The Caisse d’Allocations Familiales is the body responsible for paying family and social benefits. To apply for housing support from the CAF, log on to its online service. Here are a few links to help you:

Support offered by Action Logement

Action Logement offers a wide range of support for students.

Covering rent and service charges in the event of non-payment

Are you looking for accommodation? The Visale guarantee means you don’t have to ask a relative to act as guarantor. You can get a guarantor within 48 hours and reassure your landlord (Crous, private landlord or social landlord).


Visale is a free rental deposit to facilitate access to accommodation in the private sector and is available to all young people up to the age of 30 (additional conditions apply to those over 30).

Other forms of support

These types of support are subject to various eligibility conditions and are aimed at employedstudents, students on work-study programmes,those undertaking an internship, those in receipt of a grant, etc. They can take a variety of forms: help with financing a security deposit, partial payment of rent, emergency social support or help with finding accommodation.

Financial support
Student Solidarity and Initiative Development Fund (FSDIE) − social assistance

If you are likely to have difficulty paying your rent:

You are staying in a Crous residence and do not have a grant

You can apply for housing support from the FSDIE social aid committeeby first contacting the health centre or Crous (by e-mail[at]crous-lille[point]fr)

You are in receipt of a grant, or you live in private accommodation

You can contact Crous directly (by email[at]crous-lille[point]fr)to establish which specific types of housing support they may be able to offer you.