The University of Lille welcomes students in exile and offers them a range of support services to help them flourish within the university community and facilitate their academic success.
Supporting students in exile
The University of Lille is respectful of diversity and offers a warm welcome and support that is adapted to meet everyone’s needs to help everyone succeed.
Lieux & instants d’échanges solidaires (Links) scheme
University staff, teachers, students or anyone from outside the university, you can volunteer to help students in exile. The Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility Department (SD&SR) provides follow-up and guidance.
Helping students with specific topics on a regular basis: help with homework, support with a particular subject, practising French, etc.
Depending on the needs of the students and your skills, we pair people up and support them throughout the semester.
Solidarity exchanges
Some students feel isolated, far from their families, and find it hard to socialise outside the classroom. So they want to meet new people to build new relationships, talk and share their culture with, and to learn more about the cultures of the people they meet. By sharing an activity, a meal or a walk for example, and maybe even extending an invitation to each other’s homes once the relationship has been established, students are able to regain their self-confidence, practise their French and progress in their studies.
Write to etudiants-en-exil[at]univ-lille[point]fr specifying ‘Dispositif LIEnS’ in the subject line.
Civic service volunteering
Civic service volunteering
Each year, we recruit two civic service volunteers for 8 months, 24 hours a week. You can view the offers on the civic servicewebsite.
The duties of civic service volunteers are:
- Searching for volunteers and tutors, presenting the LIEnS scheme at university events;
- Helping students find their place in society by organising meetings, festivities, sports events or information sessions with students;
- Communicating the scheme to the university’s various departments and associations, and liaising with them at key moments in student life (re-enrolment, orientation, finding a company);
- Participating in awareness-raising events such as World Refugee Day and International Migration Day.
Interested? Write to etudiants-en-exil[at]univ-lille[point]fr specifying ‘Volontariat service civique’ in the subject line.