• Durée: 2 semestre(s)
  • Accessible en: Formation par apprentissage
  • Langue(s) d'enseignement: Français
  • Niveau de diplôme requis à l'entrée: BAC+3
  • Niveau de diplôme validé à la sortie: BAC+5
  • N°RNCP: RNCP38691
  • Campus: Site Cité Scientifique - Villeneuve d'Ascq
  • 20250214

Objectifs de la formation

The Electronic TECHnologies (ETECH) for Smart Communicating Systems specialization within the Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (NN) Master’s program at the University of Lille is designed to inspire and prepare highly skilled technical and scientific engineers for the exciting world of research and innovation. ETECH graduates are prepared to take on leadership roles in the R&D laboratories of major corporations in the microelectronics sector, as well as in small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and academic research institutions.

Our program places a strong emphasis on technological innovation to address the current and future demands of various high-tech domains, including 5G and 6G telecommunications, IOT, healthcare, sustainable development, energy, transportation, and more. The NN Master’s curriculum is specifically tailored to equip students with the scientific and professional skills required to meet these upcoming challenges, with a particular focus on nurturing high-tech startups and fostering international  careers.

A prime example of the exciting transformations happening in the microelectronics field is the evolution of 5G communication networks. The future of these networks demands the creation of ultra-high-speed wireless communication systems, but that’s not all. It also necessitates the diversification of electronic systems, such as the development of autonomous vehicles connected to networks, which will require increased information flow, energy-efficient processing of data using artificial intelligence  (both in software and hardware, including neuromorphic circuits), new sensors, actuators, and micro-sources of energy. Our comprehensive two-year program (equivalent to 120 ECTS) is based in one of the largest and most prestigious laboratories at the University of Lille, the Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnology (IEMN).

With over 50 years of expertise in microwave technology and more than three decades in nanotechnologies, the IEMN provides invaluable support for our students. The institute boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including a 1600m2 clean room and  advanced characterization centers, enabling hands-on research and learning experiences. The core focus areas of our NN Master’s program draw inspiration from the advanced research initiatives of IEMN, encompassing Smart Energy, IOT Make
Sense, Telecom UHD, and Neuromorphic Technologies. Given the international scope of research and development in these areas, mastering the English language is of paramount importance. Therefore, our courses are conducted in English to ensure our students are well-prepared for the global stage.

Join us at the University of Lille and embark on an educational journey that will empower you to shape the future of electronic technologies and smart systems, positioning you at the forefront of innovation in the ever-evolving landscape of high  technology. Your adventure begins here at the intersection of science, technology, and imagination.

Spécificités de la formation

  • Relies on the expertise of an application-oriented laboratory in partnership with major players in the field of microelectronics and startups in northern France (Hauts-de-France)

  • Training achieved by a dynamic teaching team with recognized expertise and active pedagogy: supervised or autonomous projects conducted with professional tools, internships in companies, and seminars provided by high-level professionals. 25% of the training is done through practical work including access in the cleanroom.

  • Accessible in apprenticeship (1 week in a company and 1 week in University) in the form of an apprenticeship contract.


Adossement à la recherche

This two-year (120 ECTS) program is based at the Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnology (IEMN - located on the campus of the University of Lille, which comprises over 450 academic, research and administrative people. With over 50 years of experience in high frequencies and over 30 years in nanotechnologies, it serves as a significant support for the program, featuring multiple well-equipped facilities such as a 1500 m² cleanroom and device/systems characterization platforms. 

Compétences visées

The Master's degree in Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies is structured in blocks of skills and knowledge defining the core of their expertise in the field of technologies for electronic systems.

  • Appropriate the novel and innovative technologies
  • Master the tools for signal processing, modeling and equipment driving
  • Master the multiphysics and integration of devices
  • Design communicating objects
  • Manage personal, technical and scientific projects


Composants et circuits électroniques , Physique des semi-conducteurs , Théorie des ondes , Propagation , Traitement de signal , Bases de la théorie de l'information , Transmissions numériques

Modalités d'admission/ Conditions d'accès


L'admission en première année de master est subordonnée à l'examen du dossier du candidat / de la candidate selon les modalités suivantes :

Formation ouverte au recrutement : Oui

Commentaire :

Mêmes modalités de recrutement que le Parcours -type

Langues vivantes enseignées :

  • FLE

Mentions de licence conseillée :

  • Electronique, énergie électrique, automatique
  • Physique

Campagne de recrutement nationale:

  • Dépôt des candidature du 26/02/24 au 24/03/24 inclus / Phase principale d'admission : du 04 au 24/06/24
  • Phase complémentaire ouverte à tous les candidat·es qui n’auront pas accepté définitivement une proposition pendant la phase principale : du 25 au 30/06/24
  • Phase d'admission définitive du 15/07 au 31/07/24

Modalités de candidature :

  • Dossier

Attendus :

  • Avoir les pré requis conseillés suivants pour candidater : Composants et circuits électroniques , Physique des semi conducteurs ,Théorie des ondes, Propagation , Traitement de signal , Bases de la théorie de l'information , et Transmissions numériques

Critères d'examen du dossier:

  • Un dossier détaillé du cursus suivi par le candidat permettant notamment d'apprécier les objectifs et les compétences visées par la formation antérieure

Déposez votre candidature en suivant ce lien


L’accès est de droit en master 2 pour les étudiant·e·s ayant validé le master 1 correspondant à l'université de Lille.

Les candidat·e·s issu·e·s d'une autre mention, d'un autre parcours de la mention ou d'un autre établissement d'enseignement supérieur doivent formuler une demande d'intégration selon les modalités suivantes :

Formation ouverte au recrutement : Oui

Commentaire :

Mêmes modalités de recrutement que le Parcours -type

Langues vivantes enseignées :

  • Anglais

Déposez votre candidature sur la plateforme Ecandidat de l'université de Lille

Modalités d’examen des dossiers basées sur les pièces suivantes :

La lettre de demande d'intégration présentant le projet professionnel et personnel de recherche.
Les relevés de notes du Master1 (qui pourront être complétés au besoin par le programme détaillé des UE).

Attendus :

Justifier d’un cursus antérieur en adéquation avec le projet d’études et le projet professionnel. Maîtriser à un très bon niveau les prérequis relevant du programme de Master 1

Organisation de la formation

  • The master is organized in 4 semesters of 30 ECTSTraining in English, open to the international, labeled I-SITE ULNE
  • Possibility of scholarships and international mobility grants from the graduate program Information Knowledge Society funded by I-SITE ULNE
  • The master is co-accredited with the Ecole Centrale de Lille and conventioned with the Higher Institute of Electronics and Digital (ISEN). Part of the teaching is provided by the Ecole Centrale de Lille.
  • The master has a partnership with Batanga State University - Philippines.



UE 1 Digital Signal Processing 3 crédit(s)

UE 1 Initiation to Cleanroom Technologies 3 crédit(s)
UE 2 Semiconducting devices 3 crédit(s)

UE 1 Architecture of Communicating Objects and Communication Networks 6 crédit(s)
UE 2 Guided Propagation Media 9 crédit(s)
UE 3 IOT - 1 3 crédit(s)

UE 1 Student project : ULille Project 3 crédit(s)

UE 1 Data Processing and Artificial Intelligence 3 crédit(s)

UE 1 Digital Communications 3 crédit(s)
UE 2 Tools for Modeling, modeling and data processing - 1 3 crédit(s)

UE 2 Micro- Nano- Fabrication 3 crédit(s)
UE 1 Emerging Trends in Nanotechnology 6 crédit(s)

UE 1 Antennas for Mobile Networks and Connected Objects - 1 3 crédit(s)
UE 2 Electronic Systems Engineering 3 crédit(s)
UE 3 IOT - 2 3 crédit(s)

UE 1 Student project : Bibliographic Research Project 3 crédit(s)

UE 1 Sensor and Actuator Technologies 6 crédit(s)
UE 2 Advanced Wireless and Wired Technologies for UHD Communications 6 crédit(s)
UE 3 Neuromorphic Technologies for Spiking Neural Networks 3 crédit(s)
UE 4 Energy for the Internet-Of-Things 3 crédit(s)

UE 1 Tools for Modeling, modeling and data processing 2 3 crédit(s)

UE 1 Micro-nano Fabrication Techniques 6 crédit(s)

UE 1 Antennas for Mobile Networks and Connected Objects-2 3 crédit(s)

UE 2 Professional Communication Skills 3 crédit(s)
UE 1 Laboratory Research Project & Seminars 6 crédit(s)
UE 3 Enterprise 21 crédit(s)

Poursuite d'études

A PhD at IEMN with an industrial partner (CIFRE or other contracts), many funded theses (30 to 40 per year), or other academic laboratories (e.g. CEA, IRCICA-CNRS, IFSTTAR, etc.) or private laboratories (e.g. Thales, STmicroelectronics, MC2, etc.)

Insertion professionnelle

Targeted jobs:

  • Design engineer of connected objects,
  • Process engineer clean room
  • Developer of wireless communicating sensors, electronic circuits, RF/microwaves circuits and systems, Microwaves, RF / Microwave test,…
  • Project Manager, Consulting Engineer,
  • Researcher

Where : large industrial groups or SMEs or startups that recruit our expert engineers: Thales, Freescale, STmicroelectronic, NXP, OMMIC, UMS, Alstom, AMD, CEA, MC2, Huawei, SOITEC, EPIGAN etc. and regional startups (Zymoptic, Vmicro, Wavely, Besttic, Menapic...)


Faculte des Sciences et Technologies

Université de Lille I Campus Cité scientifique
1er étage - Bât. faculté des sciences et technologies
59655 Villeneuve-d'Ascq

FST - Dep. Electronique Electrotech. Aut

Université de Lille I Campus Cité scientifique

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Responsable Parcours


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Secrétariat Pédagogique

+33 (0)3 20 33 60 40

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