Would you like to change university to study at the University of Lille or join another university?
Outgoing transfer
Transfer procedure for leaving the University of Lille and transferring your file to another French university
From mid-June 2024, click here to enter your details.
Once you have entered your details, follow the steps below:
- Print your transfer forms;
- Verify the accuracy of the information and sign your forms;
- Send the first part to the University of Lille. The address you need to send it to can be found below;
- Send the second part to the university to which you wish to transfer.
- It is advisable to wait for the final results before applying for a transfer, to ensure that your academic situation is complete.
- You can transfer completely or partially. A partial transfer means that in addition to enrolling at your new university, you will also remain enrolled at the University of Lille for the current year.
Please note: the transfer procedure does not imply admission or enrolment in the course. You should contact the university to which you wish to transfer at the same time to find out about the conditions for transferring and dates for these procedures.
Inbound transfer
Inbound transfer procedure for continuing your studies on a licence programme at the University of Lille
If you come from another university and would like to continue your studies (without changing course) in the2nd or3rd year of a licence (excluding LAS) or BUT programme with the same specialisation.
Example: You have completed both semesters of the1st year of a Licence in Law at the University of Nantes and would like to continue at the University of Lille for your2nd year.
From mid-June 2024, ask for the semesters you have completed as part of a licence/BUT at another French university to be validated via the inbound transfer platform: click here to enter your details.
- It is advisable to wait for the final results before applying for a transfer, to ensure that your academic situation is complete.
- Approval will allow you to complete your administrative enrolment at the University of Lille.