Tous les diplômes sont accessibles avec un baccalauréat ou un diplôme équivalent, un diplôme d'accès aux études universitaires (DAEU), une capacité en droit pour les études juridiques.
Ce schéma montre les différents types de diplômes, leur durée en année à partir du baccalauréat et leur enchainement logique (continuum). Ils sont positionnés sur une ligne du temps qui va de bac + 1 an à bac + 12 ans.
Les diplômes structurés autour du système LMD (Licence, Master, Doctorat)
Le premier bloc, à gauche, référence les diplômes structurés autour du système LMD (Licence, Master, Doctorat) (bloc rouge).
On y trouve d'abord les diplômes directement accessibles après le bac :
Diplômes d'université accessibles à différents niveaux
A côté de ces formations LMD, il y a les Diplômes d'université accessibles à différents niveaux, certains depuis le baccalauréat, d'autres après un Bac +3, +5 ou plus.
Les diplômes relevant des métiers de la santé prescripteurs
Filières grade Licence (selon les dispositions règlementaires) : infirmière, ergothérapeute (bac +3) qui mènent aux Filières grade Master : infirmier anesthésiste diplômé d'état, infirmier en pratique avancée (bac +5)
Formations certifiantes ou qualifiantes accessibles après le baccalauréat
Et enfin, quelques formations certifiantes ou qualifiantes accessibles après le baccalauréat. Leur niveau d'accès et leur durée sont spécifiques à chacun.
The Master of Science in Physical and Analytical Chemistry (PAC) aims at preparing students to become experts in physical chemistry with strong skills in theoretical and practical Spectroscopy. This program is intended for students eager to develop an international culture and looking for a worldwide mobility. The master PAC is a program of excellence fully taught in English, providing students with the necessary tools, knowledge and skills towards doctoral studies, and/or professional industrial careers in chemical analysis. Students will develop a highly specialized know-how and a rare practical experience supported by state-of-the-art technologies. Throughout the first year, students are introduced to the fields of specialization of the second year:
Advanced spectroscopy in chemistry (ASC) applied to the various fields of chemistry (solid state chemistry, catalysis, sustainable chemistry, nanomaterials, biomaterials...)
Atmospheric environment (AE), applied to chemistry of the atmosphere.
For details on the 2-year ASC European master's course Joint master degree developed and operated by 5 universities (Lille, Bologna, Helsinki, Krakow and Leipzig), with mandatory mobility, leading to multiple degree Program and application:
A guarantee of quality: accredited master's degree. ASC specialization is acknowledged by the European Union (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree) awarding student scholarships and by the ECTNA Euromaster label (European Chemistry Thematic Network Association). AE specialization is linked to Labex CaPPA (Laboratory of Excellence Chemical and Physical Properties of the Atmosphere)
Providing a sound background in Advanced Spectroscopy, both in experimental techniques and in scientific knowledge;
Possible students mobility (ASC) within a network of research laboratories spread amongst 5 countries from a large area of Europe in an environment where they will be well looked after.
Training for becoming experts in far reaching experimental techniques in Spectroscopy.
Developing skills not only towards doctoral studies, but also towards professional activities in industry.
The high level of equipment available is unique
Compétences visées
Graduates will:
acquire competences which make them fit for employment as professional chemists in chemical and related industries or as entrepreneurs;
be able to apply modern and advanced spectroscopy techniques within the framework of the most recent European requirements;
be able to use the modern theoretical and experimental applications of spectroscopy;
reach a standard of knowledge and competence which will give them access to third cycle course units or degree programs (Ph.D.)
The master Physical and analytical chemistry is targeting European and International students holding a Bachelor of Science (i.e. 180 ECTS) or an equivalent Diploma in the following fields of studies: Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry or Physics. The course is fully taught in English. Applicants must have a good command of English, corresponding to the B2 level (independent user) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Modalités d'admission/ Conditions d'accès
L'admission en première année de master est subordonnée à l'examen du dossier du candidat / de la candidate selon les modalités suivantes :
Formation ouverte au recrutement : Oui
Commentaire :
Enseignement en anglais
2 parcours de M2
Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry : CAL à 0 et COL à 0
Atmospheric Sciences : CAL à 15 et COL à 15
Capacité d'accueil : 30 places
Langues vivantes enseignées :
Mentions de licence conseillée :
Physique, chimie
Campagne de recrutement nationale:
Dépôt des candidature du 26/02/24 au 24/03/24 inclus / Phase principale d'admission : du 04 au 24/06/24
Phase complémentaire ouverte à tous les candidat·es qui n’auront pas accepté définitivement une proposition pendant la phase principale : du 25 au 30/06/24
Phase d'admission définitive du 15/07 au 31/07/24
Modalités de candidature :
Attendus :
Avoir un bon niveau en physicochimie
Justifier d'un niveau B2 en anglais minimum
Être attiré par l'international
Critères d'examen du dossier:
Un dossier détaillé du cursus suivi par le candidat permettant notamment d'apprécier les objectifs et les compétences visées par la formation antérieure
Examen des dossiers
Pièces spécifiques :
Relevés de notes des trois dernières années
Diplômes permettant d'apprécier la nature et le niveau des études suivies
Niveau d'anglais B2 (TOEFL, TOEIC ou attestation de l'Université)
Un Curriculum vitae
Une lettre de motivation exposant le projet professionnel
Bonus : 2 lettres de recommandation - Liste des stages (lieux, structures d'accueil, dates, titre du rapport ...)
This 2-year master's course (120 ects credits) leads to a master's degree in “ Physical and Analytical Chemistry”, with a specialization in “Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry” or “Atmospheric Environment”.
The study program is composed of theoretical courses and optional units.
A substantial part is also dedicated to practical work and research projects, where group work is as essential as student centered learning.
English is compulsory for all students. Besides, a French course is proposed to international students to help them in their day-to-day life.
Moreover, two extra courses are taking place at the beginning of the year: an English intensive course for bringing everyone up to standard, and an intercultural communication module to promote group dynamics.
X-Ray Diffraction
Data process. et data analysis in physical chemistry
Mass Spectrometry
Experimental Methods in Environmental Science
Spectroscopy for Biology
Applied Molecular Spectroscopy
Synchrotron Radiation and its applications
UE 1 Quantum chemistry and chemical bonding 5 crédit(s)
UE 2 Magnetic resonance 5 crédit(s)
UE 3 Mass spectrometry 5 crédit(s)
UE 4 Optical spectroscopy 5 crédit(s)
UE 5 X-ray diffraction 5 crédit(s)
UE 1 English and professionnalisation 5 crédit(s)
UE 2 Quantum chemistry and chemical bonding 5 crédit(s)
UE 3 Mass spectrometry 5 crédit(s)
UE 4 Optical spectroscopy 5 crédit(s)
UE 1 English and professionnalisation 5 crédit(s)
UE 1 Physics and chemistry of the atmosphere 5 crédit(s)
UE 2 Analytical chemistry 5 crédit(s)
UE 1 Chemometrics 5 crédit(s)
UE 1 Structural inorganic chemistry 5 crédit(s)
UE 2 Physical organic chemistry 5 crédit(s)
UE 3 Advanced kinetics and reactivity 5 crédit(s)
UE 1 Applying spectroscopy to interdisciplinary projects 10 crédit(s)
UE 1 Student project - internship 9 crédit(s)
UE 1 Chemometrics 5 crédit(s)
UE 2 Advanced kinetics and reactivity 5 crédit(s)
UE 3 Experimental methodologies in environmental sciences 5 crédit(s)
UE 4 Electronic spectroscopy for atmospheric species 6 crédit(s)
Poursuite d'études
After the first year, students can chose among two specializations:
Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry (ASC). Specialization in the applications of spectroscopy to condensed matter.
Students interested in the ASC specialization with mobility within Europe can apply for the 2-year ASC Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (
scholarships available
mandatory mobility within Europe
multiple diploma
admission granted for the first year with access granted to the second year if successful
Atmospheric Environment (AE) Specialization in atmospheric sciences. Program shared with the 2nd-year specialty of the Master of Physics.
A large majority of alumni engage in a Ph.D. program
Insertion professionnelle
The master Physical and analytical chemistry is mainly research-oriented. A large majority of alumni engage in a Ph.D. program, with the aim of joining a research laboratory in their field of expertise or the Research et Development department of a private company. Nevertheless, our graduate students also have the proper background and practical skills at Master's level to reach positions of responsibility (production, management, RetD) in international analytical enterprises, fine chemicals industries or in environmental sciences