I wish to collect my diploma
Congratulations on graduating from the University of Lille!
Since 2020,you will be issued with a secure digital certificate in addition to the paper version (parchment). We explain everything here.
Digital certificate
Since 2020,the university issues a secure digital certificate of achievement for each graduate (excluding doctorates and INSPÉ).
Let’s follow the journey of Jane, a recent graduate from the University of Lille:
1. The university transmits the data to prepare the certificate via the BCdiploma blockchain protocol.
2. The data is encrypted and stored within a block on the blockchain. They are secure, tamper-proof and unalterable.
3. Jane receives an e-mail with a link to her certificate.
4. Jane shares her link or QRcode on Lilagora, LinkedIn, on her CV, etc.
5. A recruiter, verification organisation or higher education institution uses the link to verify the authenticity of the certificate and its issuer.
You’ll find all sharing and printing options under the ‘Share’ tab.
Contact us using our support form. We’ll send your link back to you.
Find out more on this page.
Paper diploma
The paper diploma is awarded within six months of graduation, in accordance with the procedures specific to your member school/faculty/institute.
- In person: you’ll need to bring proof of identity.
- Through a third party: the person you appoint must be in possession of a power of attorney drawn up by you, his or her identity document and a copy of yours.
Where can I collect your paper diploma?
Please note: for collection from the Cité Scientifique student affairs office up to 27/09/2024, please make an appointment by e-mail (scolarite-relais-citescientifique@univ-lille.fr)
In the event of loss, theft or destruction, a duplicate can be requested. The reason for this must be provided. The word ‘duplicate’ will appear on the paper diploma.
In the event of a change in marital status, you can request a reissue of your diploma with proof of identity.
Download the form.
I need help
If you notice an error on your diploma or if you have a question, you can contact online support.
I need to verify the authenticity of a diploma
Are you a recruiter, verification organisation or higher education institution?
Since 2020, and in accordance with article 6 of the MESR circular of 7 May 2023,the university issues a secure digital certificate of achievement for each graduate (excluding doctorates and INSPÉ). Find out why it is forgery-proof and has probative value.
Verifying the authenticity of a diploma
For automated verification, please copy and paste below the link to the certificate to be authenticated:
The University of Lille has decided to issue forgery-proof digital certificates as part of its drive to extend the services it offers its graduates and secure the verification of its diplomas. The University of Lille has chosen blockchain technology to secure data and ensure a framework of trust for the various parties who use the system.
The University of Lille provides its learners with online certificates that can be accessed via a single, personalised URL link:
- beginning with: ‘https://diplome-certificat.univ-lille.fr/’
- and issued from the official blockchain address of the University of Lille: 0x21dd110E1cb80AE2A993480684C0232301C37D93. This address is tamper-proof and entered in the blockchain register of institutions authorised to issue data on the BCdiplomaplatform.This register can be viewed directly by following thislink.
When you view this online certificate, you are guaranteed to be viewing certified data issued by the University of Lille. If you are viewing a printed or PDF version of the certificate, the QR Code will allow you to view the original blockchain certificate online.
This information can be used for any reference or verification procedure for a title or diploma.
If you do not have a digital certificate, and only in this case, you can contact the Student Affairs Department: scolarite-direction@univ-lille.fr
Key figures
blockchain certificates issued
countries from which they were viewed
pays depuis lesquels elles ont été consultées