- Durée: 2 semestre(s)
- Crédits: 60
- Accessible en: Formation initiale , Formation continue
- Langue(s) d'enseignement: Anglais
- Niveau de diplôme requis à l'entrée: BAC+4
- Niveau de diplôme validé à la sortie: BAC+5
- N°RNCP: RNCP35916
- 20250218
Objectifs de la formation
This master’s degree (IAE Lille) offers an opportunity to acquire a double qualification. It develops analytical skills needed by high level Executives in a range of complete business situations faced by international companies. It improves skills that are needed when negotiating at high level, taking appropriate decisions and working as a member of an international team.
Spécificités de la formation
Students can take advantage of a range of international partnerships allowing them to study or work abroad, or to get a double diploma.
Successful applicants will hold a first year master's degree, awarded by technical and vocational institutions and universities.
- Students from all over the world
- Professionals: IAE offers the opportunity to attend lessons while working at the same time
- Students in further education: IAE offers the opportunity to follow courses while working
- French built-in career students (part time in IAE and the company in which you will work for)
- Erasmus (places are limited)
All candidates who received their graduate degrees from a university where English is not the sole language of instruction are required to take an English language test: TOEFL, IBT or IELTS as part of their initial written application process.
Open minded students with leadership qualities, who have clear personal or professional plans, and who are eager to be part of an international team. Successful candidates must be eager to share their experience, support their colleagues, and teach as well as learn from their peers. Applying for this Master's degree will lead you to share your skills, accomplishments and aspirations with other likeminded people.
Modalités d'admission/ Conditions d'accès
L’accès est de droit en master 2 pour les étudiant·e·s ayant validé le master 1 correspondant à l'université de Lille.
Les candidat·e·s issu·e·s d'une autre mention, d'un autre parcours de la mention ou d'un autre établissement d'enseignement supérieur doivent formuler une demande d'intégration selon les modalités suivantes :
Formation ouverte au recrutement : Oui
Capacité d'accueil : 18 places
Langues vivantes enseignées :
- Anglais
- Date d’ouverture du recrutement : 20250310
- Date de fermeture : 20250429
- Date publication des résultats : 20250529
- Date d’ouverture du recrutement : 20250512
- Date de fermeture : 20250628
- Date publication des résultats : 20250712
- Date d’ouverture du recrutement : 20250821
- Date de fermeture : 20250913
- Date publication des résultats : 20250916
Déposez votre candidature sur la plateforme Ecandidat de l'université de Lille
Modalités d’examen des dossiers basées sur les pièces suivantes :
La lettre de demande d'intégration présentant le projet professionnel et personnel de recherche.
Les relevés de notes du Master1 (qui pourront être complétés au besoin par le programme détaillé des UE).
Attendus :
La lettre de demande d'intégration présentant le projet professionnel et personnel de recherche
Les relevés de notes du Master1 (qui pourront être complétés au besoin par le programme détaillé des UE)
La candiatuture sera examinée au regard des pièces suivantes :
- Une lettre de motivation (attentes, objectifs, expériences récentes, connaissances déjà acquises)
- Curriculum vitae détaillé
- Les justificatifs de formation (diplômes, relevés de notes)
- Les justificatifs de situations ou d'expériences professionnelles
- Des lettres de recommandation
- Attestation prouvant le niveau d'anglais B2 minimum
Organisation de la formation
Programmes and courses are adapted to demands of the world market.
All courses are taught in English. The Master Programme encourages public speaking, group discussions, and active class participation. To succeed, students must possess a highly developed proficiency in written and oral English.
The teaching staff consists of lecturers, business professionals and visiting faculty members from America and other parts of Europe with international experience. Our international partnerships around the world are very active allowing our students to study or work abroad.
A dynamic and innovative education including lectures, case studies, project management, business situations will develop concrete skills needed in international management.
The group is composed of final year students and Executives from French, European and international companies – all of whom are from different backgrounds and nationalities.
A central feature of this Master's programme is the exploitation of activity-based learning methods and the use of experimental knowledge to produce solid pedagogical solutions.
Whether you are seeking to launch or to reorient your career, or start a business, students can take advantage of a flexible schedule that can accommodate the demands of the job market, allowing students to alternate a week of work in a company with a week of study at the IAE business school.
Insertion professionnelle
Le taux d'insertion professionnelle à 6 mois pour ce parcours de Master, suite à la dernière enquête annuelle réalisée, est de 37,5 %.
This master's degree offers an opportunity to acquire a double qualification. It develops analytical skills needed by high level Executives in a range of complete business situations faced by international companies. It improves skills that are needed when negotiating at high level, taking appropriate decisions and working as a member of an international team.
Examples of employment opportunities:
Marketing Manager, Community Manager, Human Resources Director, Production Manager, Logistics Manager, District Manager, Executive Director, Project Manager...
Institut Administration des entreprises
Université de Lille I Campus Moulins Lille
104 avenue du Peuple Belge
59043 Lille