MASTER PHYSIQUE FONDAMENTALE ET APPLICATIONS Parcours Photonics, complex and quantum systems (M2)
- Durée: 2 semestre(s)
- Accessible en: Formation initiale , Formation continue
- Niveau de diplôme requis à l'entrée: BAC+4
- Niveau de diplôme validé à la sortie: BAC+5
- N°RNCP: RNCP38994
- 20250218
Objectifs de la formation
The cursus Photonics, Complex and Quantum Systems (PhoCQS) offers advanced training in the fields of lasers, photonics, complex systems and quantum systems. As a PhoCQS graduate you will have a deep knowledge of how to generate, manipulate and guide various types of light of how do design laser sources. You will have also a deep knowledge of how nonlinear systems can generate complex behaviors in space and time, with potential disruptive applications and of the cutting edge development in the fields of quantum optics, cold atoms or polaritons. Open to Master 1 in Physics students (or equivalent) either french or foreign students, the cursus is taught in english. The cursus is composed of 2 options :
- Complex and Quantum Systems (research cursus)
- Lasers and Photonic Engineering (engineering cursus)
The first option is a research option that prepares to a PhD and a career in the research and academic sector. The second option prepares to work as engineer in the field of laser and photonics in the industrial sector. However it is also possible to start a PhD after the engineering option.
Depending of the chosen option the academic training is completed by an internship either in a research lab or in a company specialized in photonics or lasers.
Spécificités de la formation
- The cursus is part of the Information and Knowledge Society graduate programme, which gathers expertises needed to build a digital world suitable for Humans.
- It is also supported by the Excellence center Labex CEMPI, which fosters fundamental and applied research in mathematics and physics, as well as their interactions.
- Scholarships are available for students with excellent academic records both from IKS graduate programme and CEMPI Labex, as well as relocation grants from IKS graduate programme for foreign students to help them settle in Lille.
- The PhoCQS Master cursus builds on the scientific excellence of the following teams of the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes, Molécules (PhLAM), where in particular research internships are offered: Dynamics of complex systems, Photonics and Cold atom physics.
Compétences visées
The graduate masters basic concepts of physics in optics and lasers, and advanced skills link to the chosen option. He/she is able to conceptualize scientific theoretical and experimental problems, to position a problematic in a context, to localize scientific challenges and to propose a methodology for solving the problem. Labworks, projects, internship train to researcher or engineering jobs :
- Bibliography
- Experimental and numerical skills training
- Research and Engineering methodology
- Scientific writings
- Oral presentation
The graduate is also able to monitor technological developments and can act as a go-between between actors of fundamental research and technological development. He/she is trained to research fundings, intelectual property, commercialization, and knowledge diffusion. He/she is trained to project managment and business creation. He/she masters scientific english (european B2 level).
Modalités d'admission/ Conditions d'accès
L’accès est de droit en master 2 pour les étudiant·e·s ayant validé le master 1 correspondant à l'université de Lille.
Les candidat·e·s issu·e·s d'une autre mention, d'un autre parcours de la mention ou d'un autre établissement d'enseignement supérieur doivent formuler une demande d'intégration selon les modalités suivantes :
Formation ouverte au recrutement : Oui
Commentaire :
Enseignement en anglais
Capacité d'accueil : 20 places
Langues vivantes enseignées :
- Anglais
- Date d’ouverture du recrutement : 20250206
- Date de fermeture : 20250606
- Date publication des résultats : 20250630
- Date d’ouverture du recrutement : 20250815
- Date de fermeture : 20250910
- Date publication des résultats : 20250917
Déposez votre candidature sur la plateforme Ecandidat de l'université de Lille
Modalités d’examen des dossiers basées sur les pièces suivantes :
La lettre de demande d'intégration présentant le projet professionnel et personnel de recherche.
Les relevés de notes du Master1 (qui pourront être complétés au besoin par le programme détaillé des UE).
Attendus :
Un dossier détaillé du cursus suivi par le candidat permettant notamment d'apprécier les objectifs et les compétences visées par la formation antérieure.
Relevés de notes, diplômes permettant d'apprécier la nature et le niveau des études suivies, niveau d'anglais.
Curriculum vitae.
Lettre de motivation exposant le projet professionnel.
Le cas échéant une, des attestation(s) d'emploi ou de stage.
Examen des dossiers
Organisation de la formation
MASTER 2 - Semestrer 3 (30 ECTS)
- Optics, photonics and lasers: basic foundations of lasers, non linear optics and photonics, and applications (9 ECTS)
- Extreme Regimes of Light : Ultrafast optics, extreme wavelength (THz, VUV-X) (3 ECTS)
- Advanced photonics : Photonic fibers (3 ECTS)
- English/French as foreign langage (3 ECTS)
- Complex Systems (6 ECTS)
- Quantum Optics, Cold Atoms, Polaritons ( 6 ECTS)
- Laser metrology (3 ECTS)
- High power photonics (3 E S) Adanced optical design (2 ECTS)
- Lasers in medicine (2 ECTS)
- Lasers in Physico-chemistry (2 ECTS)
MASTER 2 - Semestrer 4 (30 ECTS)
- Experimental labs (3 ECTS)
- Numerical labs (3 ECTS)
- Project in labs (laser engineer), or Bibliograhy (research.) (3 ECTS)
- Industrial or research internship (3 to 6 months) (21 ECTS)
Insertion professionnelle
Option Laser Engineering :
- R&D engineer
- Project manager
- Sales engineer
- Continuation with a PhD
Research options :
- Engineer
- Researcher, Lecturer, research engineer after PhD
Job opportunities concern the academic research and higher education (University, CNRS,..), public companies (CEA, ONERA,..), private sector (major groups, consulting, R&D companies, etc).
Graduates is generaly able to pursue with a PhD in physics in the following fields : laser and optics, photonics, complex systems, cold atoms...
Faculte des Sciences et Technologies
Université de Lille I Campus Cité scientifique
1er étage - Bât. faculté des sciences et technologies
59655 Villeneuve-d'Ascq
FST - Departement Physique
Université de Lille I Campus Cité scientifique